Author Topic: Black Ops I & II Zombie Mode  (Read 2148 times)

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Offline Runey

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Black Ops I & II Zombie Mode
« on: March 14, 2017, 11:44:34 AM »

I've been into Zombies much lately, and i've been wondering how many of you still play this kind of gamemode. I played BO I when it came out, and it's still as amazing as it was, i find it pretty cool and it's one of the better CODs that have been released so far. Speaking of my skills, they're not really impressive and i'd rather make some stupid mistakes which usually cost me a lot haha. If someone hasn't even got a clue what i'm talking about here, i'll just leave some links down below so you can check it out.

If there is a fella around here who plays this masterpiece and would like to be accompanied, i'd gladly join him in the neverending quest of defeating the undead. :)

You can find my Steam in the sticky topic just above this one, and for those lazy enough to go there i'll leave it here: g0dspell

IISteveII is one of the better zombie players out there (besides TheRelaxingEnd). He records basically any type of Zombie modes, all the maps and posts his zombie records which are astonishing. I'm learning a lot just by watching his videos, they are useful for that matter.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 11:49:28 AM by PatriotNumberOne »