Author Topic: lmao  (Read 6811 times)

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Offline V2X

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« on: April 19, 2020, 03:24:37 PM »
Nick used whilst ingame:V2X
Time and Date that you were banned:31/03/2020
Suspected Reason (if any): aimlock
IP Address:
PAC ID: nil
Admin that banned you (if known):[vu]rajput
Extra notes: LMAO go learn to differentiate between gaming mouse and an aimbot.
That was an easy lead aim on EthaN and i've done that alot times before and now i'm good at it. Were there any weird aimflicks? This wasn't even expected and now i believe im damn good. You must've recorded that clip of EthaN getting the shot? It's my third appeal in a row in a fucking month because of your fucking intellect. I believe theres a way of checking any dll or .asi files in the VC directory, you can try.
Banned for being so good by rajput rofl. I don't even know what to say but you can check for any extra dlls in my directory( maybe your server stores it ).
+ Were there anything like fixed coordinates following parallel to player's head?
I've mouse thats good enough to get those heads. I don't really know if you really had a gaming mouse even. You can accuse me of it because i know the VCMP mechanics which maybe you lack. So yeah
When you sit whole day just to spectate me via aliases you'll sure find a loophole for you're so free to.
But this one was just terrible. Btw post the clip

You can make the exact same shot if you lead aim a bit mid way between you and the person assuming you have a good mouse. Well thanks for making me feel im good. I expect nothing as I don't have any allies in your staff but yeah you have my words so as to have my say on this. Explaining a bit more would be like to explain my gameplay which I believe is all individuals' wish. This appeal ( as the other two appeals before) won't be solved till I pass my unban period of 23weeks. Nevermind, rajput you could've asked me to teach you the shot?
I hereby can be questioned and I can answer you well and even teach you the same if im asked to.
Well for now, aimlock.

PS: I can't record for like 24/7 but the only evidence from my side could be to check for any extra dlls or any tools that I had running during the play because the accusation is such.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 03:50:38 PM by V2X »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2020, 09:52:04 AM »
Hello there,

Please keep your anger down a bit, I have no personal grudge against you. What I am doing is just trying to keep the server clean from cheaters.

What lead aim on Ethan? and please stop acting like m4 god here.

Offline V2X

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Re: lmao
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2020, 10:34:55 AM »
Hello there,

Please keep your anger down a bit, I have no personal grudge against you. What I am doing is just trying to keep the server clean from cheaters.

Anger is justified when you ban me for the second time in the same month for no actual reason. We here on the forums have a ban appeal section and the appeals aren't solved when the appellee provides the proof to defend himself which is fair enough, but still they aren't dealed by any third person examining the proves and they prefer to let it go because you've been used to it.
Well, then how could you lay a check on if the admin-in-charge is trying to abuse his powers?
The previous ban appeal was a perfect one to have rajput demoted but still there wouldn't be any action because they are your allies and they sit with you, laugh with you and you've been together since long.
So anger was justified.

What lead aim on Ethan?
Don't tell me that you haven't seen any one shot m4 kills before.
Because I've been framed as a cheater, people spectate me believing the same and any of my weird shots are therefore foreseen as a suspicious activity. You banned me soon after I one shot killed EthaN, well that was a shot that works when you have both luck+trick. Distancing yourself from the player and then trying to shoot the player in a single shot in the direction he's running in can help you do the same. The recent outflush of the aimlock activities had posed your mind towards it. Weird shots have been existent throughout.

and please stop acting like m4 god here
Why not ? when you made me believe so.
What would a person say if he's banned for aimlock when actually theres no aimlock?
Absolutely m4 god, not?
Those who practice this weapon know to make those shots. Pretty silly of you to not know that.
Moreover, the released aimlocks lack the ability to make one-shot kills with m4.
aim-lock, lock here means to lock the players' head to your crosshair and that process usually takes some extra shots.
I've been put on a bad-frame here and every headshot i make is believed to be some sort of cheat, well no.
If you would spectate me like you did for the whole day long, you would've realised that I miss a lot but I repeat the motion-> not to find a perfect time to press a hotkey/toggle and activate it. Furthermore, I don't think that you record the keypress by the users but if you can you can.

Ask further that aren't one shot m4 kills possible?
Moreover, there exists sensitivities in 0.4  that I keep experimenting with and i've found to make fall your shots in the player's head range easily (when combined with your custom DPIs) and all you gotta do is to have a horizontal mouse-go on mousepad.

And you can have that shot clip posted if you've recorded so as to have a bulk discussion on the same and see yourself stand wrong.
+ few days back, I made a weird shot on morphine which also made him to suspect me of aimlock but why would I use it on him if i ever got to use it?, for a single kill to have me banned? He has been suspecting me since long and has been teleporting to me to have a regular check but you seem new to these all activities.
Has the server to be like , by noobs for noobs?

It's more like ban and ignore policy where none questions the one who banned someone because the other ones have been believing the same.
Most of the staff believes the same that i use an aimlock but you still aren't sure of it. How can you even ban someone if you donot fully know it ? Admins aren't obliged to give proofs but why not give it this time because I've been easily available on the server for the past few weeks and theres been a full 10/10 opportunity to prove that I hack? But there were no reports still from players' side.
Players who use aimlock have been reported with video proofs, you can check the report section but why nothing such proved against me? because i don't use it. What's the fun in using it, im already used to chat crying aimlocks and it is pretty much fun to see it.
If you can somehow check for any extra dlls or .asi in my directory or even any tools somehow, you'll have your dear Rajput proved wrong in 0.1 sec.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 11:22:14 AM by V2X »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2020, 01:40:50 PM »

Offline morphine

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Re: lmao
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2020, 03:46:49 PM »

8: (Not aimlock but I would like to have some valid words from you on this)

yeah what is this?

Offline V2X

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Re: lmao
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2020, 04:57:06 PM »
I recorded the same on my 30fps private server ( my test server)  and this may clear doubts:

Youll see how perfect it is in y axis and aimflicks can be explained easily. If you'd spectate the same, it'll look weird as fuck. If you'd watch it at 0.25x, you'll see how my mouse got no delays and at full speed can be potential as an aimlock.

If you talk of how fast can i flick my aim, see my video at 0.25x and you'll see some real fast flicks even at that speed and that's a real gaming mouse.
And see how without any ups and downs my aim falls in player's head range, so would headshots with these flicks be any ordeal?

All the video cuts you've posted have been recorded not in a day but from many days and are all rare shot compilation.
heres your v2x series explanations:

v2x1: Maybe you suspicious about the last bullet, well I never knew things look this bad when we spectate.
From my side it was a normal aiming going on and that was a simple flow of bullet.

v2x2: What? I only see you spectating me while having like 370+ spikes

v2x3: Watch at 0.25x, simple horizontal mouse-go about the players. That was just shooting around the players and about the aimflick thats because as the players move I've reflexes that can't be questioned.

v2x4: easy leadaim, why'd you question that?

v2x5: I did a horizontal mouse movement about the player. When he jumped onto the garbage, my mouse didn't go up/down with respect to the player which easily proves that all i was doing was just horizontally moving my mouse about him.

v2x6: That's when you realise you have a tommy skin nearby too. Idk why it looks this bad when we spectate.
You should maybe try it yourself.Try spectating yourself from other pc and have a lowered y sens, it looks like we're messing with something. My mouse does not have any input delay and I play often after gym so thats what you call reflexes.

v2x7: Oh you forgot to record EthaN, I did the same on him too. Well, the moment Im running I get a watch of the players behind me and I try to single shot them.That was a try and it succeeded.  If you would have rather uploaded a full video than cuts you'd realise how i long for that by constant distancing myself and trying constantly for the same.

v2x8: At 0:05 in the video you'd see how close hes to me. It is different when you spectate, in actual he punched me, I fell down and I got him hit. The moment witnesses were hllnz, jah.

v2x9: I've an extremely lowered y sens and if youre talking about how i rotate so well to the players -> that's presence of mind because my game has a map. The person was hiding by the building so won't you look for other players rushing you. I'd been fighting them for long and I knew that the person was to spawn and I saw him coming. So yeah that was a natural response.

v2x10: I am rotating my mouse as hell because I know that my y sens is so adjusted to have heads and all I need to do is to focus on x sens. That isn't suspicious when looked.

++++ in v2x8 or in 
 That was a really weird sync fuck. SHARP already was having kicks for his 500+ pings, that could be the reason for this desync. I had -1 HP on that hit, I've not looked onto the damage values of punches but I guess it was nothing but an uncommon vcmp sync issue.
Also not sure if that was punch because it could be either out of punch, jab, knee, punchhook, longkick, roundhouse which have their own damage values.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 07:10:44 PM by V2X »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2020, 07:00:30 PM »
Can u punch and shoot same time?
My regular ping is about 150-170. When my ping spike its goes 170 to higher and getting kicked after every 2 minute.
Did u see any kick logs in chat or did u see i'm warping in video no because that time i have regular ping not 500+.
And i shot u that time didn't hit u by punch(u can see stubby bullet track) thats why i check your hp after death because u didn't get damage only down with stubby shot.

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Re: lmao
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2020, 07:05:06 PM »
Can you punch and shoot at the same time

I didn't . I shot you and you visually shot me but since desync plays its role so pretty well I had an animation of being punched/jabbed/ any above listed and had -1 HP reduction instead of -80HP or even -100HP. That's what exactly desync is.
A point to add, there was no stubby shot push but a simple fall which is usually animated when you're punched or so, and seeing the range, if stubby was to hit, it'd give death.

Someone sent me this:
Ghiless can relate and this is reproducible.

I made another video on every flick/pattern thats misleading the appeal. The only proof from my side could be to point out small things to prove myself correct because I havent recorded any of the clips 1-10 above.If youre a good observer this would be enough for this appeal.     

All you need to do is to imagine that you are spectating and just predict how it would look like? aimlock perhaps.

The most confusing pattern of the story - The Arrow. Link : ( v2x3, videolink:

Has been shown possible in the video at 0:06, Link : ( videolink:
This proves that I was just rotating my mouse horizontally asfuck.

Thats the maximum proof from a person who just failed to record because not everyone can record 24/7 and none knows whether they'd be accused of hacking.

+ I found that when you spectate, you miss some bullets which as a fact could make things look more scary and flicks thus could be foreseen as programmed.

And in v2x9, if that very flick is disturbing you then have the video played at 0.25x. The player was not yet visible on the screen to be exact when I changed my aim towards him + if it appears as an auto-enemy tracker thingy then why didnt my tracker detect the other player at 0:11 and all of a sudden had a screenshaking flick to the nearest player (which acc to the code should be)? Be honest with yourself, I cannot toggle when I'm shooting and that was just presence of mind.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 07:21:38 AM by V2X »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2020, 08:59:19 PM »
RajPut seems to not care of replying here, probably less stuff to come up with.,34427.msg306975/topicseen.html#msg306975

If thats lack of evidence, RajPut's are not even evidences of aimlock. RajPut recorded everything while in spectate mode, known to give false speculations, which in no way could be sufficient evidence of a thing like aimlock.

Same type of videos I provided recently and you created a topic about "Its not aimlock" and bla bla.
Anyway, not enough evidence. Try to record more.
  Denied on basis of same type but not enough evidence. Panzer could've recorded likewise 30 videos of the same thingy over and over again, like you did but that won't make things any better unless it's in your brains. Recording more is not what to look for, recording what is the better deal.
I can possibly record shitloads of videos of anyone making flicks that may seem weirdo and compile them to make them possibly turn out into one's liking.

6weeks because of his wrong theories but still won't care. Everything in your video evidences is reproducible.
Dealing with aimlocks is perhaps not your cup of tea.
Can any Staff Member excl. RajPut sort it? It's taking him too long to set foot on some braincells.

Not desperate to be unbanned but to be evinced right. This topic is already over-the-hill.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2020, 09:24:45 PM by V2X »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2020, 09:10:02 AM »
RajPut seems to not care of replying here, probably less stuff to come up with.
I told my opinion. Now its upon management. Whether they accept your appeal or deny it, I don't have any issue with either of decisions. So wait for management.

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Re: lmao
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2020, 06:08:14 PM »
within 48 hours

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Re: lmao
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2020, 10:33:13 PM »
Any updates?

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Re: lmao
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2020, 08:23:50 PM »
Something to add, got banned on 31st of March, joins the server around July in presence of admin to just check the ban timer, was able to connect without being kicked ( provided no VPN or UID change), asks the admin online if I'm unbanned or not, seeing the admin not being clear about the case, I leave the server as instructed and meanwhile never spawn. Case of system fault or ban evade, you're wise one to choose.
Next very join I made is today, 21st of October, surpassing the ban period and some extra too. And I get banned today for ban evading.
Nothing much to say.

@p4t can further elaborate if he wants
« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 08:27:39 PM by V2X »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2021, 06:45:44 AM »
I was the first who noticed he is using aimlock. (You can see it through RajPut's video and log)

I hope this works(Recorded by me)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 08:47:20 AM by Celil »

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Re: lmao
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2021, 01:00:09 PM »

Edit: If you are still interested in this, feel free to appeal again but I believe you are already on the loose with your fellow friends.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 01:41:37 PM by Halchter »