Author Topic: New forum theme (beta stage)  (Read 17950 times)

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New forum theme (beta stage)
« on: June 08, 2020, 08:03:05 PM »
Hi all,

We would like to present you the beta version of the new littlewhitey's forum theme, designed by the most gifted Ryz.

As mentioned above, the theme is currently in its beta stage, which means any and all kind of bug reports are welcome.

Please report them in this thread right away.

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2020, 08:20:00 PM »

Current Version: 1.2.22 (As of 29/11/2021)

If you would like to use the theme head to Profile -> Modify Profile -> Look and Layout -> Current Theme -> Click Change -> scroll down to LW 1.2.21 (BETA) -> press [Use this theme].

Please keep in mind the following: some things are missing and/or not correctly styled yet, the theme will be being edited as you use it. If you want to stop using the beta theme click (LEAVE BETA) found on the top bar.

Many changes will be happening to the theme, think of it as a... community project as such, throw me your ideas, thoughts, hates, likes, dislikes, loves etc and I will do my best to make the theme something that we all enjoy using.

if you are using the theme, please be aware that you might be automatically reverted back to the Curve default during an update, if this happens you can just go back into your profile and enable the theme. Also, pressing (REFRESH) should load anything new (since caching is currently disabled on the theme) that has been changed, if that fails press CTRL + F5 to do a hard cache refresh.

Stylesheet now automatically assigns a random number so all changes will take immediate effect.

- Some boards do not display the theme at the moment, this is due to the way the board was created as the default curve theme has been selected to override any themes.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2021, 08:33:21 PM by Ryz »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2020, 09:37:38 PM »
YESYES!! The long awaited forum theme, thanks Ryz and good job!
If you would like to use the theme head to Profile -> Modify Profile -> Look and Layout -> Current Theme -> Click Change -> scroll down to LW 1.0 (BETA) -> press [Use this theme].

« Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 09:45:35 PM by [V]Playa »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2020, 03:16:42 PM »

Just a small update, been working on the theme all morning, it is pretty much at that level now where it is fully usable, so I have started working on the custom styling to be used per board e.g VC-MP/SA-MP/MC board index. if you are using the beta theme you can switch between them using the top bar (Switch style:) if you want to have a look at what they look like, currently the VC-MP theme is live. 

This update changed alot of the css styling I originally had so you will need to press ctrl + f5 first to refresh the cache.

- membergroup images should now be showing (thanks AdTec :>)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 06:02:55 PM by Ryz »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2020, 09:38:48 PM »


Dark mode now available on the beta theme.

GRID MENU has now replaced the top bar, from here you can control the styles of theme and other tools for the beta build.

SA-MP and MC style now available on the beta theme.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 06:03:02 PM by Ryz »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2020, 06:02:14 PM »
The new forum theme looks really awesome Ryz, neat work! I'm definitely sticking to this one. :)

Although i would like to report that switching forum styles doesn't work properly for me, even though i keep pressing ctrl + f5. Nothing changes, might i be doing something wrong?

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2020, 06:28:24 PM »
The new forum theme looks really awesome Ryz, neat work! I'm definitely sticking to this one. :)

Although i would like to report that switching forum styles doesn't work properly for me, even though i keep pressing ctrl + f5. Nothing changes, might i be doing something wrong?

Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

In terms of the switching styles; it uses SMF's variant code which kind of relies on caching from your browser. It is a bit experimental admittedly and until I can find a solid way (if that is even possible with SMF) then it will have to stay as it is.

I have attempted to remove caching from the theme and this kind of worked... though testing it, it disables somethings such as images, however the CSS styling still seems to be cached (only sometimes), which makes it so that CTRL F5 wont work.

You can try to log out and log back in and try to change, but the best way to solve it is to remove cookies/cache on your browser.

I'm using chrome and for me changing the theme works perfectly every time, so its a bit of a hit and miss at the moment, but hey! that's why its beta eh :)

Edit: I just tried it with Microsoft edge, a browser I have never ever used until now and changing the theme worked instantly.

Edit again: fixed it, upon loading up the forum from a fresh tab, the CSS will now flash briefly for a second while it attempts to refresh the CSS (essentially performing a cache refresh) and the inspect element cache storage is always empty now.

The css now has a version number attached to it, so for every update it will pull a new version of the CSS and the changes will happen automatically.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 10:46:52 PM by Ryz »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2020, 09:25:14 PM »
Good job. Thankyou Mr.Ryz.  ;)
Credit: [VU]RoyStang


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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2020, 07:47:36 PM »
The new forum theme looks really awesome Ryz, neat work! I'm definitely sticking to this one. :)

Although i would like to report that switching forum styles doesn't work properly for me, even though i keep pressing ctrl + f5. Nothing changes, might i be doing something wrong?

You can try to log out and log back in and try to change, but the best way to solve it is to remove cookies/cache on your browser.

I'm using chrome and for me changing the theme works perfectly every time, so its a bit of a hit and miss at the moment, but hey! that's why its beta eh :)

Edit: I just tried it with Microsoft edge, a browser I have never ever used until now and changing the theme worked instantly.

Edit again: fixed it, upon loading up the forum from a fresh tab, the CSS will now flash briefly for a second while it attempts to refresh the CSS (essentially performing a cache refresh) and the inspect element cache storage is always empty now.

The css now has a version number attached to it, so for every update it will pull a new version of the CSS and the changes will happen automatically.

I've tried completely removing cookies and cache from the browser, still the same i'm afraid. I use Chrome as well, that's what bugs me the most. :-\

When i try to change the forum style, it leads me here and i make sure to ctrl+f5 afterwards.

In any case, i really appreciate the effort and love the new forum theme! :)

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2020, 08:33:20 PM »
The new forum theme looks really awesome Ryz, neat work! I'm definitely sticking to this one. :)

Although i would like to report that switching forum styles doesn't work properly for me, even though i keep pressing ctrl + f5. Nothing changes, might i be doing something wrong?

You can try to log out and log back in and try to change, but the best way to solve it is to remove cookies/cache on your browser.

I'm using chrome and for me changing the theme works perfectly every time, so its a bit of a hit and miss at the moment, but hey! that's why its beta eh :)

Edit: I just tried it with Microsoft edge, a browser I have never ever used until now and changing the theme worked instantly.

Edit again: fixed it, upon loading up the forum from a fresh tab, the CSS will now flash briefly for a second while it attempts to refresh the CSS (essentially performing a cache refresh) and the inspect element cache storage is always empty now.

The css now has a version number attached to it, so for every update it will pull a new version of the CSS and the changes will happen automatically.

I've tried completely removing cookies and cache from the browser, still the same i'm afraid. I use Chrome as well, that's what bugs me the most. :-\

When i try to change the forum style, it leads me here and i make sure to ctrl+f5 afterwards.

In any case, i really appreciate the effort and love the new forum theme! :)

Well it's very strange indeed. I honestly can't think of anything else that it could be, nobody else has reported it not to be working and I have been able to get it working using different accounts and browsers.

I have manually set your theme to the dark version, to see if that might 'kick-start' the process of you being able to change themes, give it a try and let me know!

For the purpose of the Beta I have allowed users to manually pick the style they want using the the dropdown box. @Runey if the above fails, try picking the theme from this menu instead:

« Last Edit: June 14, 2020, 08:42:15 PM by Ryz »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2020, 10:10:26 PM »
Hey, it's finally working perfectly, both SA and Minecraft themes! The manual switch to the dark theme did the trick definitely, much appreciated man! :)

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2020, 11:20:31 AM »
Hey, it's finally working perfectly, both SA and Minecraft themes! The manual switch to the dark theme did the trick definitely, much appreciated man! :)

Great news!

Just a bit of an update on the current state of the theme. While it might not appear as if anything has been happening recently, rest assured that if you check out the changelog, you should see that I have been quite busy still working on theme. However how big or small the changes are the theme is now fully functional, albeit with just a few more little things to do before it can go live and since alot of the updates happen in real time thanks to the CSS version trailing now on the code, you guys might not be actually notice any changes!

I'm currently working on probably the last update now before it can go live, which is version 1.2 - which will include the biggest update yet; a mobile friendly theme (which will automatically be enabled for those on mobile) and upon release the Reaction Pro mod and the return of the awards mod (new version) will be activated on the forum, both should hopefully give the forum a bit of a boost of life. (hopefully)

I'm still listening out for any feature requests, changes or bugs. So if you have any ideas please throw them my way! Thanks to AdTec_224, Hanney and morphine who have been helping with bug reports and suggestions so far.

Sometimes I do miss things since its just me working on this, so any help is definitely appreciated!

EDIT: 28/06/2020

So due to time constrains, mainly me not being able to work on the theme as much as I would like because of work and other arrangements; all themes except for LW and darkmode will now be legacy only, no further work will be done on them and the mobile theme will be delayed indefinitely. My prime focus is now on the main theme and the darkmode theme only. Perhaps in the future I will work on the other themes but right now it is too difficult to maintain 5 different styles. Since editing one CSS means I have to edit all of them.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 06:28:02 PM by Ryz »

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2020, 05:42:40 AM »
Hello, I just wanted to show a bug which happens when I use the forum on my mobile.

This is the bug:

I'll let you know if I encounter any other bugs. I like this theme so much, Great work Ryz.

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2020, 08:08:09 AM »
Hey grizzy thanks for the kind words, I haven't done much to the way it looks on mobile just yet so probably will be a few bugs. However I'm currently working on the mobile styling and fixing darkmode so will be fixed in the next update!

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Re: New forum theme (beta stage)
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2020, 09:45:08 PM »

VC:MP since 2012, LU-DM Team Owner, some other things also in the past.