Author Topic: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012  (Read 54293 times)

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Offline EnzoMortelli

The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:56:02 PM »

    20th of August - 2nd of September 2012

    It's time again for the great Eventocalypse! Two weeks filled up with a total of 80 more-than-awesome events!

    Event table:

    As you may notice by reading the event descriptions below, there are points given during any single event happening.
    Who scored the most points on one day will be the LW's champion for the theme that day was about, and can wear a [LWC.theme]-tag, where 'theme' is replaced by the theme of the given day, like e.g. [LWC.RW] or [LWC.Racing].
    The player who scores most overall points in both weeks can wear the [LWK]-tag, flagging him as King of Littlewhitey's!

    Brief explanations for those events that aren't already self explanatory, listed with their numbers in the table:
    • 1: Desert Roof RW Duel Tournament: Uzi/Sawn-off duels, winner proceeds to next round, each victory gives one point, loss sets points to zero, giving up keeps points. @Unused Building near Aldea Malvada aka Desert Roof.
    • 2: RW in the streets: Competitors will fight in the open streets of LV, using Uzi,Sawnoffs,deagle and armour. Each kill of another competitor scores one point, killing a non competitor scores zero points. Use of other weapons is prohibited.
    • 3: SF Ship RW TDM: Teamdeathmatch @big cargo ship in SF Bay, uzi/sawnoff/deagle/1 grenade, one team starting from loading bay, the other from commando bridge, no respawns, last team standing scores one point for each alive member. Two rounds.
    • 4: Revolving Area DM: FFA-DM @random areas, LMS scores one point each area, new area when all dead. uzi/sawnoff/deagle.
    • 5: Sawn-off driveby versus parachute One player will take place in the passenger seat of a parked car, and will be given sawn-off shotguns to passenger-db with. He has to defend himself versus all the other players that try to destroy his car, using parachutes. The passenger may not leave the car and scores one point if he kills all other competitors. If the car can be detroyed all the alive destroyers score one point each.
    • 6: the open end RW TDM: last event, @meat factory LV, sawnoff/uzi/deagle, with respawn, dynamic sign-ups/-outs, open end, no points.
    • 7: Let's take over NAM: @North Ammunation LV, gangs with at least 4 members fight for the NAMMU turf for 30 minutes, winning gang scores one point each member.
    • 8: Desert Turf Madness: @Desert Ammunation west of LV, gangs of at least 4 members meet inside Desert Ammu, they fight 30 minutes for the three desert turfs, gang with most turfs scores one point each member, everything allowed, no mixed clan gangs, no changing gangs.
    • 9: Battle LV: Three big gangs, each lead by an admin (no groups), spawned @Desert Ammu, @NAMMU, @South Ammu, fight 45 minutes for ALL turfs in LV, gang with most turfs scores one point each member.
    • 10: Copter Turfin': Not more then 5 gangs, each spawning at a helicopter near LV, fight for ALL turfs in LV using only helicopters. Usage of weapons is disallowed. Gang with most turfs scores one point each member.
    • 11: Defeat!: Two gangs: One gang conquers a turf of their choice, which they have to defend against the other gang for 15 minutes. Winning gang scores one point each member, open end.
    • 12: Rambo Gang: Participants organize themselves in gangs, they are given camo, 5k, all weapons+parachute, spawn armour and red color. They are allowed to do everything except: teaming up with other gangs, entering any interiour, using boats/planes/helis, send cash to other players, accept cash from other players. Event last 25 minutes, after that time gang with highest ammount of cash divided by gang territories the other gangs hold scores one point each member.
    • 13: Only Grenades DM: self explanatory. LMS scores one point each round.
    • 14: Rocket Madness: self explanatory. LMS scores one point each round.
    • 15: Deagle Madness: self explanatory. LMS scores one point each round.
    • 16: Sawn-Off: self explanatory. LMS scores one point each round.
    • 17: Minigun-TDM with respawns, no points, open end.
    • 18: Satchel FFA LMS with satchel charges only in a narrow area. LMS scores one point each round.
    • 19: Blueberry Projects open.DM: FFA, buy weapons of your choice in ammunation, say id for teleports. LMS scores one point. @Blueberry Projects only. Interiours and Vending machines allowed. NO leaving the ground/entering the street.
    • 20: Richman Contest: open.DM aswell, but changing locations @Richman and Mullholland LS, LMS scores one point.
    • 21: Jefferson Motel Madness: @Jefferson Motel LS, fighting to get inside the house for 20 minutes, respawn far away. only who is inside the house at the end scores one point each, if only one single player is inside that player scores 2 points and an additional 2 millions.
    • 22: Disco Update: Fighting in the dance club, with respawn, weapons update every given time period. no points. ends with minigun LMS.
    • 23: Saint Mark's Chainsaw Party: self explanatory. LMS scores one point each round.
    • 24: Basic Instincts Killing: players will buy a camo of their choice (money will be given) and then be spawned in a outskirt area, with only knife and silenced pistol. LMS scores one point.
    • 25: AASA-City Challenge: A race series of AASA, AALS, AASF, AAJT and AASA, 2 laps; strictly no shooting, blocking, rustling at this series. winner scores prize money and one point.
    • 26: open.mountain race: race series of mostly non-urban races, tracks tbd. strictly no shooting, blocking, rustling at this series. winner scores prize money and one point.
    • 27: underwater race: race underwater, car or bike, strictly no shooting, blocking, rustling at this race. winner scores prize money and one point.
    • 28: pro.togue championship: driving duels on difficult tracks, tbd. final score will be for first place: car health/time, second: car health/(time+(time to first)). winner scores one point. No leaving paved street. Shortcutting will add an extra 15-30 seconds.
    • 29: Triathlon Madness: Two free checkpoint races, first one is onfoot, swimming and driving, second one is sky-diving, boating and driving. Strictly no shooting, blocking, rustling during these races. First scores 5 points each race.
    • 30: Crash Derby: self explanatory. LMD scores one point.
    • 31: Sherman Dam M4 TDM: two-team-TDM @Sherman Dam, only M4, 3000 rounds ammunition. LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 32: Ours is thy ship!: TDM with at least 4 players per team, fighting for the pirate ships @Pirates in a Man's pants LV, respawning in different Locations all around LV, Team holding the ships most dominantly after 20 minutes scores one point each member.
    • 33: Fort Carson 'Catch The Bullet': Two Teams, one has to steal the Bullet @Fort Carson Cluckin' Bell from the other team and deliver it to Regular Tom, the opponents have to defend the Bullet. Delivery scores one point for the deliverer. At least 4 rounds.
    • 34: Long Distance TDM: Teams will spawn in totally different corners of San Andreas, each member killed will be eliminated (respawned in jail), LTS scores one point each free member.
    • 35: Flying Dutch M4/Sniper TDM: TDM on the flying ships over LV, no respawns, LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 36: Boat TDM: A WW-TDM featuring boats. LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 37: Silent Assassin: Competitors join one gang, an admin will /pm them orders to kill another player in the gang. If the victim can type the full and correct name of the assassin in mainchat before being killed, the victim wins and scores one point, otherwise the killer scores one point. Suspecting the wrong person as killer three times will disqualify a player.
    • 38: Property Contest: Competitors have 120 minutes to buy as many properties as possible. The player with the most properties scores the property money and x points, where x is the ammount of his properties.
    • 39: Rocket vs. Hunter: Self explanatory. no points.
    • 40: The Leviathan DM: two teams with max 4 players, each having one Leviathan helicopter, fighting against each other, LTF scores one point each alive member, two rounds, and one team having Leviathan vs. one team on foot, randomly distributed all over LV, two rounds, LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 41: B-I-K-E Game: each competitor has a motorbike, the first on a random but static list starts with showing a stunt of his choice. If he succeeds, the others have to do that stunt too, if he fails, he gets one letter of the word 'BIKE' and the next one shows another stunt, if the other players fail in doing a stunt they also get one letter. Players having the full word BIKE are out of the event. Last Man Stunting scores 15 points. No double stunts.
    • 42: Cluckin' Bell Challenge: open race challenge, where there's always one flag at one of the Cluckin' Bells around SA. The first driver to get to the flagged Cluckin' Bell scores one point, then the flag will change to another Cluckin' Bell, no Cluckin' Bell will be flagged twice. Event ends when all Cluckin' Bells were reached once.
    • 43: San Andreas Walking Event: Hiking tour from the Mall @Creek LV to Mount Chilliad Top. Only slow walking allowed, no jogging, running, sprinting. NO WEAPONS, NO SHOOTING! Every player with enough patience to reach Mount Chiliad scores one point.
    • 44: A pocket full of Aces: Casino Challenge, where players have 21 minutes to show their skill on the black-jack tables. The player with the highest ammount at the end scores 2 points.
    • 45: Spaz Tournament: Duel Tournament on Desert Roof, combat shotgun only. Each victory scores one point, loss sets points to zero, giving up keeps points. Second round: Combat Shotgun only TDM @KACC Military Fuels LV, LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 46: M4 vs. AK47: TDM with one team having M4 only and one team AK47 only. Areas tbd, revolving teams, as much rounds as desired. LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 47: Sniper TDM: Sniper only TDM, three rounds, different Areas, LTS scores one point each alive member. Might be aswell fought with up to 4 teams.
    • 48: Rifle DM: Only Country Rifle FFA & TDM. Areas tbd. LMS/LTS scores one point /each alive member.
    • 49: TRAINed Snipers: only Sniper Duel Tournament on moving train. Victory scores one point, loss sets points to zero, giving up keeps points.
    • 50: die or fall DM ww-FFA @SF Gant Bridge top, LMS up there scores 1 point each round.
    • 51: Boxing Tournament: Tournament 1v1 boxing, preferably 2^n players with n any natural number, winner advances to next round, tournament winner scores 10 points.
    • 52: Katana Duels: Katana only Duels, victory scores one point, loss sets points to zero, giving up keeps half of the points. no health/armour refreshing. 
    • 53: Private Dildo XXX Duel: Dildo, Vibrators, Flowers only duels in a private area (cannot be seen by any other player), preferably SFPD shower room. Competitors decide in own consent who to duel. no points, just for the lols.
    • 54: Gimme moar Liquor!: Brass Knuckles only FFA @Blueberry liquor store. LMS scores one point.
    • 55: Stripper Beatdown!: baseballbat only FFA @any stripclub, LMS scores one point and one extra point if using stripper skin.
    • 56: foot beatdown race: race onfoot from angel pine to top of mount chilliad. Competitors will be armed with baseballbats (and maybe knifes). First scores 3 points.
    • 57: Suicide Compilation: A bunch of Suicide events, including jumping from high points, falling from planes and even more. no points.
    • 58: left4killing: Zombie Apocalypse. A team of 4 players, armed with silenced & golf club, has to make it's way through an area where the other countless players (the more the better) as zombies try to slaughter them, to a dealer that will sell them better weapons for the next round. Zombies will be armed with 1st shovels and knifes, 2nd +katanas, 3rd on +chainsaws, 4th +flamethrowers and for the 5th round +molotovs. Weapons that can be bought @ dealer (from the money zombies drop when being killed): health, armour, 9mm, deagle, rifle, shotgun, uzi, mp5, combat shotgun, ak47. 5 rounds, 5 different areas. No zombies shall attack the dealer or players @dealer's, the dealer will kill them. /gc is allowed only beetween survivors, no using vehicles or entering interiours! Dead Survivors will become Zombies. Should any survivor team make it through the last round they score 1 point any member.
    • 59: Dodo Minigun Driveby Derby: Teams of two, one pilot, one shooter, will fly with Dodo, the shooter will use the passenger driveby function of the dodo. The shooters will be given miniguns. LTF scores 1 point each member.
    • 60: Hard Core Event: FFA, 3 weapons of choice for each player, one primary gun, one handgun, one secondary weapon. handguns may be: 9mm, silenced, deagle; primary guns may be: shotgun, combat shotgun, uzi, tec9, mp5, ak47, m4, sawn-off, rifle, sniper rifle; secondary weapons may be: molotov, grenade, flamethrower, rocketlauncher. Players will have only limited ammo and only 10 health and 5 armour. LMS scores 3 points each round.
    • 61: Marked Man: 1vsAll, where the marked player shall flee from the group of hunters that go after him. Killer scores the bounty, one point and will be next marked man. Weapondry tbd.
    • 62: Blade Runner: @LS Beach, one player is given a helicopter and helikills the others, which are completely unarmed. Players may not leave the beach (sand), LMS scores one point.
    • 63: Catz 'n' Dawgz Dogfights: Admins in Hydras vs. Players in rustlers. 3 hydras vs. countless players or in relation 1:4, tbd. LTA (last team airbourne) scores one point each airbourne member.
    • 64: Chop Chop Derby: FFA Crash Derby only for helicopters. LMF scores one point.
    • 65: Rustler Fleet Battle: Two teams, each player flying a rustler. LTA scores one point each airbourne member, most likely 6 rounds: LVA vs DAP, LVA vs SFA, LVA vs LSA, LSA vs DAP, LSA vs SFA, SFA vs DAP.
    • 66: Dodo Race: Race with Dodo, from SFA to LVA to LSA to Mount Chilliad Top. Planes must land on each checkpoint, first at Mount Chilliad scores one point.
    • 67: Parachute Competition: jumping from high points or flying planes, first one landing at a marked point or on a marked moving vehicle without dying scores one point.
    • 68: Helicopter Rescue: One helicopter pilot will try to save 3 trapped players, either in places very difficult to enter with helicopter or from moving vehicles. Each member saved scores one point, each member lost (e.g. died or fell off the vehicle/place) scores one negative point, wrecking the helicopter sets points to zero (except negative points).
    • 69: Area 69 AAD: AAD TDM in area 69. LTS scores one point each alive member. Team Attack: knife, deagle, uzi, shotgun, ak47, rocketlauncher. Team Defence: deagle, mp5, m4, sniper, grenades.
    • 70: Madd Dogg's Mansion Madness: AAD TDM @Madd Dogg's Mansion LS, 5 minutes to buy desired weapons in ammunation for each party, teleports to the scene. LTS scores one point each alive member.
    • 71: Spec Force vs Terrorists: The Terrorist (ak47, rifle, deagle, grenades) have entered the big cargo ship in SF. Spec Force (mp5, shotgun, silenced, rocketlauncher) tries to conquer the ship again. Terrorists respawn at Bayside, Spec Force respawn at SF AC Carrier. One team wins by completely clearing the Ship from the other team for at least 5 seconds, and scores one point each member on the ship.
    • 72: Desert Warfare: See corresponding topic for more information, no points.
    • 73: Rescue Mission: Hostage Rescue Mission, see corresponding topic for more information. No points.
    • 74: Let-me-sell-my-petrol-event: Two teams, @Whetstone Highway Fuel station and @Angel Pine Fuel Station, both armed with shotguns, rifles and deagles. Aim is to destroy the other team's fuel station while defending the own. Winning team scores one point each alive member. no respawns.
    • 75: Convoy Marathon: For further information and sign-ups please have a look at this topic. [->
    • 76: V-Rock Hotel protectVIP: Two teams, one having a marked VIP, both spawning @V-Rock Hotel LV, the team containing the VIP has to defend this person, the other team has to kill the VIP. Winning team scores one point each alive member. The V-Rock Hotel grounds may not be left.
    • 77: Aliens vs. Predators: For more information look at this topic.
    • 78: Kill-the-invisible-dolphin One admin will buy a dolphin camo and hide somewhere on the map. He will give tips on his location and from time to time flash his cover, find him and kill him, but expect the dolphin to not give up defenseless. Killing the dolphin scores one point.
    • 79: Rocketlauncher for everyone! Every connected player will be given a rocketlauncher. no points.
    • 80: Grenade Stunting Stunt challenges through major cities, using grenades to increase jump distance. No points.
    There are no set times for events, they will happen at any time of the day whenever enough players are online.
    Events will not be done twice, there are 80 of them! o.O

    The normal rules for events are valid here aswell, do not interfere/ruin if you are not in the event and always follow the admin's instructions.

    For Staff-members: I'm still busy with learning for exams, so it would be great if you could help me a bit.
    If you see there might be enough players for an event and there's an event on that day you would like to do please feel free to host it.
    To make that easier i will soon publish a hotkey script for the LW's weeks in admin section.
    If you've done an event please post that here, so i know which one i'd still have to host.

    Finally a list of some abbreviations i used, for those who don't know what they mean:
    • RW - Running Weapons
    • WW - Walking Weapons
    • DM - Death Match
    • TDM - Team Death Match
    • AAD - Attack And Defend
    • FFA - Free For All
    • LMS - Last Man Standing
    • LTS - Last Team Standing
    • LV - Las Venturas
    • LS - Los Santos
    • SF - San Fierro
    • NAM/NAMMU - North Ammunation Gunshop, Las Venturas
    • Ammu - Ammunation Gunshop
    • Camo - Camouflage
    • LMD - Last Man Driving
    • AASA - All Around San Andreas
    • AALS - All Around Los Santos
    • AASF - All Around San Fierro
    • AAJT - Around Julius Thruway
    • LMA - Last Man Airbourne
    • LMF - Last Man Flying
    • tbd - to be decided
    • v/vs - versus
    • LTA - Last Team Airbourne
    • VIP - Very Important Person

    All have fun! 8)[/list]

    P.S. idk where that last [/list] came from, i tried to delete it but it always spawned there again lol. o.O
    « Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 08:55:13 PM by EnzoMortelli »


    • Guest
    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 08:03:15 AM »
    woohoo. Now, waiting for those 2 awesome weeks ^_^

    Offline Quickplay

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 12:04:24 PM »
    I won't likely be there that period, but nice  8)

    Offline [R]Qwerbeet_rulstler

    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 02:04:15 PM »
    Dugi shut put this on official sa-mp forums and stick the topic in every section!

    Offline [V]jOjO

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #4 on: August 02, 2012, 05:21:45 PM »
    Great effort. x)
    It's all circular. Everything goes back to where it started from, only to overlap in a new cycle. The connection is not lost, and the division is not broken.

    Offline Devilboy665

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #5 on: August 02, 2012, 07:24:18 PM »
    This reminds me of school.. which is not, so I like it. :P

    Yet he has decided to reply normally.

    Offline SKY

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #6 on: August 03, 2012, 01:45:50 AM »
    best weeks of samp !
    Since 2008
    If you are not part of the quadbuddy association than we can not be friends.

    Offline EnzoMortelli

    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #7 on: August 06, 2012, 12:13:39 AM »
    This reminds me of school.. which is not, so I like it. :P
    :D actually i never saw any schedule filled up that much at school.

    Offline EnzoMortelli

    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #8 on: August 10, 2012, 09:00:23 PM »
    After some test runs there have been some additions and changes to the rules of the left4killing event
    The changed parts are red.
    58: left4killing: Zombie Apocalypse. A team of 4 players, armed with silenced & golf club, has to make it's way through an area where the other countless players (the more the better) as zombies try* to slaughter them, to a dealer that will sell them better weapons for the next round. Zombies will be armed with 1st shovels and knifes, 2nd +katanas, 3rd on +chainsaws, 4th +flamethrowers and for the 5th round +molotovs. Weapons that can be bought @ dealer (from the money zombies drop when being killed): health, armour, 9mm, deagle, rifle, shotgun, uzi, mp5, combat shotgun, ak47. 5 rounds, 5 different areas. No zombies shall attack the dealer or players @dealer's, the dealer will kill them. /gc is allowed only beetween survivors, no using vehicles or entering interiours! Dead Survivors will become Zombies. Should any survivor team make it through the last round they score 1 point any member.
    *there won't be any respawns anymore. Not for Zombies, nor survivors. Each wave is Last Man Standing.

    Offline Mugiwara

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #9 on: August 10, 2012, 10:57:52 PM »

    Offline [A]Bills

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #10 on: August 16, 2012, 07:16:12 AM »
    WOAH that's alot of events.
    This seems like it'll be fun.

    Offline [JOKER]Miczi

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #11 on: August 16, 2012, 10:16:30 AM »
    I will miss 24th, 25th and probably 26th, then I will try to be there to 31st, then Im away again :P


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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #12 on: August 16, 2012, 12:11:09 PM »
    I'll be available whole 2 weeks ^_^

    Offline Devilboy665

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    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #13 on: August 16, 2012, 12:21:07 PM »

    Yet he has decided to reply normally.

    Offline Slide

    Re: The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2012 | 20.8. - 2.9.2012
    « Reply #14 on: August 16, 2012, 12:24:54 PM »
    I'll be available just this week probably :<

    Back to uni 20th..