Author Topic: We need to talk  (Read 3916 times)

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Offline Wewora

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We need to talk
« on: July 18, 2020, 12:14:43 AM »
Hello everyone, today I'd like to talk about a issue that's been going around in my mind, especially taking into account things that are happening around the world. This concerns the name of the community, "Little-whiteys".

Now, I'd like to preface by saying that our VCMP/SAMP (and other related communities) have always been diverse, drawing in players from all over the globe, with a large majority of these players being POC (People of Colour). For those people unfamiliar with the term, it alludes to people of non-european backgrounds, such as Africans and Asians. Having made that earlier point, there lies the crux of the issue. The name "littlewhiteys", with the whiteys in bold to accentuate my point, itself could perhaps be something that would alienate these people, who are a crucial, essential part of this community.

White supremacy is a pervasive, insidious demon that has crept into all facets of our society, and a humble niche video game community is not free of it's clutches by any means. Now in 2020, we need to be better, we need to improve. We need to tell our POC brothers and sisters that their plight has been ignored for too long. And how better to do it than removing the hallmarks of white supremacy, by changing the name to something more inclusive.

Important conversations like these need to happen in our communities, and I had to start one here.

Offline morphine

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2020, 09:40:00 AM »
what the fuck

Offline Yennah

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2020, 09:27:09 PM »

Can't tell if its a troll or not, but either way with the state of the world and the amount of pandering and snowflakery going on I wouldn't be surprised either way.

I don't think it's really relevant in this case. The community is named "littlewhitey's" not because of anything to do with supremacy, skin color or even color in general for that matter but instead because the original founder of the community's nickname/handle was 'littlewhitey' and it was originally his community hence the apostraphe in "littlewhitey's" (as it belonged to him). This nickname derived from his real surname in real life 'White' (nothing to do with color). So with that logic if we change the community name he may aswell change his surname in real life.

If someone new approaches the community and sees the name and comes to the conclusion right away that its some kind of white supremecist community then clearly they haven't even bothered taking a look at what kind of content is inside (similar to the expression don't judge a book by its cover) so that is their fault for not researching / jumping to conclusions. We have members from many different ethnic backgrounds (a large bulk of them from Asia), multi language boards etc.

Anyway, basically we won't be pandering to anyone and changing the name anytime soon.


- Hanney

Offline Wewora

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2020, 12:35:49 AM »
what the fuck

I did expect a response like this once I posted the topic, things are these are hard to discuss in communities which are deeply entrenched in supremacist attitudes, whether they live to believe it or not, but it does seem to be a rather juvenile response for someone with management as their rank.


Can't tell if its a troll or not, but either way with the state of the world and the amount of pandering and snowflakery going on I wouldn't be surprised either way.

I don't think it's really relevant in this case. The community is named "littlewhitey's" not because of anything to do with supremacy, skin color or even color in general for that matter but instead because the original founder of the community's nickname/handle was 'littlewhitey' and it was originally his community hence the apostraphe in "littlewhitey's" (as it belonged to him). This nickname derived from his real surname in real life 'White' (nothing to do with color). So with that logic if we change the community name he may aswell change his surname in real life.

If someone new approaches the community and sees the name and comes to the conclusion right away that its some kind of white supremecist community then clearly they haven't even bothered taking a look at what kind of content is inside (similar to the expression don't judge a book by its cover) so that is their fault for not researching / jumping to conclusions. We have members from many different ethnic backgrounds (a large bulk of them from Asia), multi language boards etc.

Anyway, basically we won't be pandering to anyone and changing the name anytime soon.


- Hanney

I apologise if my message seemed to be in any way trollish, I did try to make it as concise and open as possible, as to open a dialogue rather than simply antagonise anyone. In fact I would say calling a relevant concern "snowflakery" is perhaps an indicator of your internal prejudice, I don't have to be a scholar to tell you the sort of people who throw that term around freely as hardly champions of any sort of free justice or open dialogue, but rather right wing ideologues would hang out in their own personal echo chambers and do a lot of handwringing against the "tolerant left".

I understand your response about the name "littlewhiteys" being a moniker for someone who was a founder of this community, but let's not gloss over the fact that they are no longer present in any shape or form, and if we look back at any history on this forum, were not involved in any visible major changes to the community, which I'm sure involved a bunch of POC who have alongside everyone else built this community into what it is today. We have to not talk about what this moniker is, but rather what it represents as a whole to someone who is viewing it for the first time. It's not that the name is white supremacist at all and I don't understand why you gleaned that particular piece of information off my initial post, but the fact that it could elicit a certain response in people that would leave them to ponder whether it was adjacent to those views, rather than supporting them.

It's not "pandering" to acknowledge that times are changing, but it is simply the right thing to do.

Offline Yennah

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2020, 03:52:01 AM »

Thank you for clarifying further on your points.

We remain unchanged and have no desire or interest of changing the community name. That is the current status quo which I don't see changing anytime soon.

We still receive an intake of new members on a regular basis and no one over the past 15 years (including those who have built this community throughout the world) has expressed what you are describing. So until there is a massive uproar in the community about this, it's nothing we are concerned about.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 03:53:58 AM by Yennah »

Offline AdTec_224

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2020, 04:53:19 AM »
I did expect a response like this once I posted the topic, things are these are hard to discuss in communities which are deeply entrenched in supremacist attitudes, whether they live to believe it or not, but it does seem to be a rather juvenile response for someone with management as their rank.

I really don't know where you've got the "supremacist attitudes" from. It seems to me the only person here with any kind of attitude is you. Throwing terms like that around without ever taking the time to get to know the person(or people) in question is both morally questionable and self defeating, as it throws into question your real motivation for this discussion.

I understand your response about the name "littlewhiteys" being a moniker for someone who was a founder of this community, but let's not gloss over the fact that they are no longer present in any shape or form, and if we look back at any history on this forum, were not involved in any visible major changes to the community, which I'm sure involved a bunch of POC who have alongside everyone else built this community into what it is today. We have to not talk about what this moniker is, but rather what it represents as a whole to someone who is viewing it for the first time. It's not that the name is white supremacist at all and I don't understand why you gleaned that particular piece of information off my initial post, but the fact that it could elicit a certain response in people that would leave them to ponder whether it was adjacent to those views, rather than supporting them.

It's not "pandering" to acknowledge that times are changing, but it is simply the right thing to do.

While littlewhitey himself may no longer be present within the community his accomplishments (for lack of a better word) helped make this community what it is today and as such, a part of history. History should be protected and preserved, not destroyed just because the few disagree with it.

I do understand your point of view, but I would agree with Yennah and say it is indeed pandering, pandering to people with a narrow minded point of view who haven't bothered to take the time to actually understand why the community is named the way it is.

"Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving." - Dale Carnegie

This is all I'll be saying on the subject, but I'll leave the topic open (at least for now) so others may comment if they wish.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 04:56:23 AM by AdTec_224 »

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2020, 05:05:21 AM »

Offline morphine

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2020, 10:41:35 AM »
in all fairness, if Adamus Technology 224 responded to this thread, this discussion is very much over ???

however, to add my 2 cents -

I did expect a response like this once I posted the topic, things are these are hard to discuss in communities which are deeply entrenched in supremacist attitudes, whether they live to believe it or not, but it does seem to be a rather juvenile response for someone with management as their rank.

in response to your concern about this community being entrenched in some sort of racial supremacy, I would like to assure you - we are the one community that never takes race (and any other parameters related to ethnicity) into consideration when making both individual and global decisions, and I am personally involved in enforcing this.

as far as the community name goes - it is a pure dedication to the man that helped initiate this project and nothing more. you asking us to change our name is equivalent to someone from the street asking the dudes at adidas to change their brand name because he doesn't like it. at the very least, it's hilarious commentary which we rationally cannot consider for discussion. (with all due respect!)

I'm not sure I can even thank you for bringing up such a subject because (in my opinion) it's a pretty stupid thing to even discuss, but whatever floats the boats!

Offline EnzoMortelli

Re: We need to talk
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2020, 11:42:37 AM »
The 'white' in originates from the last name of the community's founder and bears no other implications whatsoever, therefore will not be changed.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 01:04:47 PM by morphine »

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Re: We need to talk
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2020, 01:06:23 PM »
SORRY I'm going to have to override that.

still looking forward to what 'Wewora' has to say.

Offline [JOKER]Zaibatsu

Re: We need to talk
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2020, 04:21:28 PM »
lol soap opera