Nick used whilst ingame:heliVC
Time and Date that you were banned:Admin p4t banned:[ heliVC ] Reason:[ death evade several times ] Time left:[ 1 week ]
Suspected Reason (if any):I'm sure I'm not death evade.
IP Address:
PAC ID:69929
Admin that banned you (if known):p4t
Extra notes:
:)Hi admins, I'm heliVC, lw is my favorite server, I play on lw for more than 2 hours a day, but tonight I was reported and banned by the admins, I'll explain: I don't use /kill suicide for death evade, you can try when you fly a helicopter when other people explode the helicopter, it shows the player as dead not killed, I don't death evade. I don't do death evasion and it's not necessary, my k/d is very low, 188/400 kills and deaths 0.40%, p4t said I was allowed to fly helicopters like that, please unkill me, I really don't do death evasion because I'm in china, and sometimes the ping is so high that the server automatically kicks me out of the server, thanks admins, some of them probably hate me so much that they look for something even if you guys can't unkill me, I'll try it. Some people may hate me so much that they find some reason to report me, it doesn't matter, even if you guys can't unblock me I still love it, I'm just sorry that I can't play lw for a week, it would be nice if I could be unblocked, p4t is a great administrator, I had a lot of fun with up to 27 people on the server yesterday (Saturday), I love lw!