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General Discussion / Re: -snip-
« Last post by RajPut on November 29, 2024, 08:02:16 AM »
Off-Topic / My windows 11 feels like Linux
« Last post by Rixter on November 27, 2024, 07:17:25 PM »

I recently reformated my computed with FoxOS Windows 11, its very nice and good, loads games fast and other applications, much better than linux.

Anyone else use this operatingsystem? It feels almost like linux, but its windows :)
Off-Topic / Best game out there, guess which?
« Last post by Rixter on November 08, 2024, 07:36:17 PM »

GTA SAN ANDREAS multiplayer!

The best game on the planet right now, for its age its pretty awesome ;) After GTA SA comes GTA Vice City multiplayer for us GTA Fans and veterans who played this game for years now.

Any more agree with me? You can still buy those games on ebay and other websites if you wanna play online =)

// NoxxeR
General Discussion / forgot my password
« Last post by [TkD]Amir on October 26, 2024, 02:15:06 PM »
admin help me, im forgot my password to login server lw, my nick [RK_R]Amir, thanks
General Discussion / Re: fuck you Halchter
« Last post by Runey on October 26, 2024, 02:08:38 PM »

General Discussion / -snip-
« Last post by shahwa1z on October 18, 2024, 05:26:04 PM »
Halchter :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( you destroy my vcmp career
VC-MP Server Ban Appeals / Re: Ban appeal
« Last post by shahwa1z on October 17, 2024, 02:31:13 PM »
VC-MP Server Ban Appeals / Ban appeal
« Last post by [FS]Hunter on October 11, 2024, 01:36:13 PM »
Nick used while in the game: [Sb]Hunter
Time and Date that you were banned: More than a year ago
Suspected Reason (if any): Continuously Ban evades
IP Address:
PAC ID: I don't know
Admin that banned you (if known): I don't know a long time ago.
Extra notes:

Dear Admins,

I am writing to appeal for my unbanning from littlewhiteys. It has been over a year since I was banned due to a mistake on my part. I have had a lot of time to reflect and learn from my mistake, and I assure you that it will not happen again in the future.

Therefore, I kindly request that you consider my appeal and unban me from littlewhiteys. I'll be very grateful to you!
Discussion / Re: [SA] Joker Discussion
« Last post by Guiltnp on October 09, 2024, 11:10:40 AM »
since i forgot the password to prev acc. made a new one.
Those were the days. Still Miss me and Zeb going on hunts on his infernus.
Discussion / Re: [SA] Joker Discussion
« Last post by Quickplay on September 27, 2024, 10:42:37 PM »
you n00b!! scary??? ez to talk now, talk when peepol online ye?

quikeypley scarce or dule? ??? nob i''m owen your ervey time :)
auhauhauha were you holding that screen for the right occasion?
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