SA-MP Server Ban Appeals / Re: Fuck you Runey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last post by Runey on February 08, 2025, 12:49:44 AM »Greetings, MeltdowN.
First of all, you have to fill in the ban appeal format which is specified and obliges everyone, meaning no exceptions at all. It's pretty simple, nothing complicated.
Second of all, your nickname doesn't appear to be banned or restricted, so it really questions the whole point of posting a ban appeal. No bans registered on your IP, your nick, range... Everything seems clear. All you had to do was fol... try joining the game once more and this "issue of yours" could've been solved quickly. No - instead you decided to post yet another useless topic and raise the forum postcount which I thought nobody gave a fuck about for years.
Moving on, you made a very interesting point, I'm honestly both delighted and flattered.
Yes. That's what I do, love to do and have been doing non-stop, actively and joyfully since my first days on LW's and there is nothing that can change that. Sucks, I know, but I'm certain you have gotten used to it.

Well, no reason to continue discussing the case as you're not affected by any specific ban or restrictive measure whatsoever. I'll go on and lock the topic hoping everything is settled now. Play by the rules, enjoy your stay on our server.
Solved and locked.
p.s. haven't commented on that neat title of the topic which really gives me strength to push forward! How lovely, appreciate it.
First of all, you have to fill in the ban appeal format which is specified and obliges everyone, meaning no exceptions at all. It's pretty simple, nothing complicated.
Code: [Select]
[left][b]Nick used whilst ingame:[/b] [Your Nickname]
[b]Time and Date that you were banned:[/b] [Time & Date]
[b]Suspected Reason :[/b] [Reason]
[b]Admin that banned you (if known):[/b] [Name of the admin that banned you]
[b]Extra notes:[/b][/left]
Second of all, your nickname doesn't appear to be banned or restricted, so it really questions the whole point of posting a ban appeal. No bans registered on your IP, your nick, range... Everything seems clear. All you had to do was fol... try joining the game once more and this "issue of yours" could've been solved quickly. No - instead you decided to post yet another useless topic and raise the forum postcount which I thought nobody gave a fuck about for years.
Moving on, you made a very interesting point, I'm honestly both delighted and flattered.
Yes. That's what I do, love to do and have been doing non-stop, actively and joyfully since my first days on LW's and there is nothing that can change that. Sucks, I know, but I'm certain you have gotten used to it.
Where is THE ReuNiOn??

Well, no reason to continue discussing the case as you're not affected by any specific ban or restrictive measure whatsoever. I'll go on and lock the topic hoping everything is settled now. Play by the rules, enjoy your stay on our server.
Solved and locked.
p.s. haven't commented on that neat title of the topic which really gives me strength to push forward! How lovely, appreciate it.