Haha pedophilia, oh well
Nick in game: [DnA]ReVilo
Real name: Stephen
Age: 15
Town/country: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Which GTA Multiplayer do you use: VC-MP
How many games do you own including console games: Don't know, but enough to keep me occupied.
Favourite TV programs: LOST, Simpsons, LOST, Family Guy, LOST, Desperate Housewives (

), LOST, House M.D., umm..CNN, uhhh I guess LOST, and lets see...LOST
Favourite films: The Secret Window, Blood Diamond, 300, Simpsons, I can't think of any.
Do you read: mhm ;]
What are you reading at the moment: The Stand by Stephen King
Favourite bands of the moment: The Police, Muse, Aerosmith, The Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, Priestess, CHICAGOOOO!!!, Coldplay, Metallica, Earth, Wind & Fire, Toto, The Commodores, Steriogram, Santana, and anything else that owns
Occupation: Student
Do you own any consoles/What are they: Playstation 3, Gamecube & Nintendo 64
What's your favourite food: Mayonnaise & Doritos
What would you do if you became a millionairre: Buy a huge ass house somewhere gorgeous, and buy a badass rapage computer. And I'd buy happiness
Favourite games: Resistance: Fall of Man, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, GTA Series, ArmA, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, The Orange Box - TF2 Mainly, I can't think of any more.
How many servers on samp/vcmp/mta do you roughly visit: About 3 on VC-MP
How do you describe your playing style on samp/vcmp/mta: VC-MP = DM ftw, Shoot, Jump, Sprint.
SA-MP = Shoot, phail, run, run, run, die.