littlewhitey's Servers Forum (SA-MP/VC-MP/MTA/Zomboid)
Clans => Discussion => Guardians' Clanrating => Topic started by: ankit on October 29, 2012, 01:48:13 PM
Challenger: [V] [5]
Challenged: [Ggt] [4]
Number of players u wish to use in your squad: 3
Date and time of Challange:
Date- Weekends. 3rd or 4th November
Time- Decide common time according to Gmt +0
Referree: Staff member must decide/ Volunteer
3vs3 is good
we can make this war on saturday and time 15:00 onwards Gmt +0 would be suitable for us.
Just want to ask about pings limit. i prefer 200 max.
I'll have a talk with my clan members and will let you know asap.
Well glad you've learned from the first challenge! Will be looking forward to the fight...
I might be able to make it and kill some of you too! ;)
I'll have a talk with my clan members and will let you know asap.
take ur time. and 1 more thing what will be the weapon set ?
Good luck!
Competitors have to buy their own desired weapons beforehand, which means any at North Ammunation available weapon is allowed.
Alright. We will be doing this fight on Saturday @ 17:00pm GMT+0.
Volunteers please ?
I will do it.
Alright. We will be doing this fight on Saturday @ 17:00pm GMT+0.
Cya till then, good luck.
Edited the main Topic with date and time.
Good Luck guys!
I think it will be good! :)
Good Luck guys!
I think it will be good! :)
Yeah, good luck, i think will be a nice and interesting fight :)
Official results of CGC challenge [V] [rank 5] VS [GgT] [rank 4]:
Virus won the turf war due to inactivity and retreatment by GgT, and advances to rank 4.
God given Talent regresses to rank 5.
[18:40:40] IHateTurtles: [32] FiNiSheR[GgT]: man fuck this shit
[18:40:43] ILoveTurtles: [32] FiNiSheR[GgT]: im out
[18:40:43] ILikeTurtles: [32] *** FiNiSheR[GgT] has left the game. (Leaving)
It seemed that the fighters for GgT weren't well informed about how a CGC fight works.
However being uninformed is a issue which is easy to prevent, as all the information on how this works is given here, in this forum, and should be distributed to the fighters before the fights.
After the second CGC we decided that there is some information given that might not be clear enough, and there are still things to improve. We will add the particular informations as soon as possible.
[18:40:40] IHateTurtles: [32] FiNiSheR[GgT]: man fuck this shit
[18:40:43] ILoveTurtles: [32] FiNiSheR[GgT]: im out
[18:40:43] ILikeTurtles: [32] *** FiNiSheR[GgT] has left the game. (Leaving)
LOL'd at this.
Degrading :-\
After the second CGC we decided that there is some information given that might not be clear enough, and there are still things to improve. We will add the particular informations as soon as possible.
I think it's not a matter of being clear or not Enzo, you and Bikerr did a good work, is that people cba to read all those rules/working of the system.. probably people come here, sign up and it's like "rrbrbbrrb i wanna fight, let's play NAO!" without caring of what they are agreeing to, then ragequit lol :-\
tbh Quickplay, the intention was to keep the concept as simple as possible to give anybody the chance to participate. But yet there are too many open variables we did not think about beforehand, mainly because we thought they'd be obvious. They need rules.
Challenge over, locked.