-1 Hydras and miniguns are the most annoying things a DM can have, then comes Seasparrows, DB and Helikill in that order. Hydras are so annoying, basically impossible to avoid if you're in a fight, and if you're the one using it you end up exploding anyway. Also donators can and will set their spawn there so nobody else gets it.
Rhinos as someone mentioned, like rocketlaunchers, are avoidable because the player is at ground level and fairly easy as a target. Rhinos as vehicles only have the advantage aside from the cannon is having a little more vehicle health and non poppable tires, but it's still easy to avoid them, see them coming or shoot them down.
If it was up to gryphus we'd probably have a server with people who db 24/7, never fight fair and virtually 0 skills to play. There are many full servers like this, very shitty gamemodes with everybody doing lame kills, but is that really what LW's server targets? That's up to Simon I guess.
On one hand there's the player count discussion, on the other there's the player
quality discussion (not that we have much of either now anyways).
you could add hydras to LW, but make it impossible to shoot with them.
that things are pretty awesome for stunting.
I totally agree with this though