Hi. I seeing so empty this section. I wanted to share tiny somehings for it.
1. CreatePickupEx
stock CreatePickupEx(model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Virtualworld, Virtualworld2, txt[])
CreatePickup(model, type, X, Y, Z, Virtualworld);
Create3DTextLabel(txt, -1, X, Y, Z+0.85, 25.0, Virtualworld2);
return 1;
An example for usage:
CreatePickupEx(1239, 1, 290.2993, -84.1711, 1011.5154, 0, 0, "Ammunation!");
2. SendMessageToStalkerAdmins
This is for custom admin systems (not rcon)
new IsPlayerStalker[MAX_PLAYERS]; // they can disable it.
stock SendMessageToStalkerAdmins(color,const msg[]) // pAdmin is custom value, you can change it with yours.
for (new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (IsPlayerConnected(i) && (PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] >= 1) && (IsPlayerStalker[i] == 1)) SendClientMessage(i,color,msg);
An example for usage:
format(str,sizeof(str),"%d %s %s"playerid,id,txt); SendMessageToAdmins(-1,str); // a part of a format
Thats all : P