The old post is heavily outdated and alot of new commands have been added since then so here is a new post.
CuddleMuffin is the main bot and the only one that will respond to commands. Here are the commands players can use (in #lw.echo; although some work in #lw too);
!pm (!pm <id> <message>); Sends a private message to an ingame player. If you are ingame you can respond to an IRC pm using the '/ircpm' command (/ircpm <ircuser> <message>).
!msg (!msg <message>); Send a chat message to the server that can be seen by all players.
!vip (!vip <message>); Send a message to VIP chat ingame, only visible to VIP players.
!me (!me <message>); Same as using /me ingame (except it doesn't cost you)
!getid (!getid <partial/full name>); Return player id matches based on a name or partial name. Useful for getting ID's for !pm.
!getname (!getname <id>); Return a player name of a player id.
!tp; Get the total count of players and NPCs ingame (doesn't show a list)
!vips; Get the total count of VIP players ingame.
!players; Show the total player count and a list.
!player (!player <name>); Show player stats.
Also remember general echo rules!; No bots and no chatting, using commands to chat ingame is permissible however as long as it isn't spammed.
Update (9-1-11);
* Edited !players command so the player list shows on multiple messages if it exceeds the length limit.