Nick used whilst ingame: Tim` ( Tim4A1 )
Time and Date that you were banned: no idea...
Suspected Reason (if any): ban evasion O.o ..
IP Address:
Admin that banned you (if known): Avenger ( Avek )
Extra notes: Hello LW's staff, Currently I'm playing with the nick Tim4A1 which is actually unbanned but i want to change my nick to Tim` but I'm having a issue that there is a guy named killdil
which is banned my Avenger and maybe his starting ip is similiar to my ip that's why I'm also caught in a ban so please kindly unban me my nick Tim` is not registered in there .unban this ip 182.182 and yeah one more main thing my ip is dynamic which changes all the time when ever my modem restart's except 182.182 .