Author Topic: [0.4] List of Commands - vcmp_config.txt  (Read 3474 times)

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[0.4] List of Commands - vcmp_config.txt
« on: August 02, 2017, 02:17:50 PM »

VC:MP 0.4 Documentation

Values for vcmp_config.txt

This theme can help with some commands for own"VCMP" input and interface modules for all players and can be a reference

Note :
This file can be found in the folder you installed VC:MP to (C:\Program Files\Vice City Multiplayer\04beta_b1t1 by default)

By the way, the vcmp_config.txt file for the public beta is at (Vista, 7, 8 ):


(for XP):
C:\Documents and Settings\<youruser>\Application Data\VCMP\04beta\vcmp_config.txt


Description :
Defines the behavior that VC:MP uses to antialias the game.

Allowed Values :
0: Disables antialiasing
1: Enables antialiasing

Note :
Antialiasing uses a significant amount of processing power, but makes the game look smoother. The VC:MP team only recommends enabling antialiasing if you can already run the game at 25fps on average, at minimum.


Description :
A list of mods (ASI files) allowed to be used.

Allowed Values :
Text, with each mod separated by one space, like so:
game_allowedmods mymod1.asi mymod2.asi mymod.flt


Description :
Decreases the amount of time the game waits before serving the next frame. If your framerate is lower than it should be, increasing the value of this decreases the amount of time waited by the number of milliseconds specified.

Allowed Values :
Any integer (whole number) that is at least zero.


Description :
Determines whether or not to run in windowed or fullscreen mode.

Allowed Values :
0: Game will launch in fullscreen mode
1: Game will launch in windowed mode


Description :
Determines whether to return to the menu after returning from being Alt+Tabbed.

Allowed Values :
0: Does not return to menu.
1: Returns to menu.


Description :
Sets the background color of the loading bar on the splash screen.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
Sets the foreground color of the loading bar on the splash screen.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The name of the font used in the chat console.

Allowed Values :
Text: the name of any font installed on your Windows machine.


Description :
Determines the location of the typing area in the console.

Allowed Values :
0: Places the typing area on the bottom of the console, the style used in 0.3z R2 and earlier.
1: Places the typing area on top of the screen, the style used in the first public beta.


Description :
Alters the size of the gap between letters in the chat console. Larger values increase the size of the font gap. Setting this to zero uses normal font gap size.

Allowed Values :
Any number that is at least 0.


Description :
The relative size of the font as a multiplier. Larger values increase the size of the font. Setting this value to 1 uses the normal font size.

Allowed Values :
Decimal values that are at least 0:

Acceptable: 0.005
Acceptable: 1.500
Not Acceptable: -5.000
Not Acceptable: 12pt


Description :
The maximum number of lines that appear when the console is expanded. The larger this value is, the more space the console takes up when expanded.

Allowed Values :
Any whole number (at least 0)

Note :
Setting this value to 0 hides the console entirely.


Description :
The amount of time, in seconds, it takes for each message in the console to disappear.

Allowed Values :
Any whole number (at least 0)

Note :
Hidden messages can be seen by expanding the console (see: con_openkey). Setting this to 0 disables disappearing messages.


Description :
Determines what method VC:MP uses to log console messages.

Allowed Values :
0 - No logging
1 - Plaintext logging
2 - HTML logging


Description :
The background color of the console when it is expanded, expressed as an ARGB hexadecimal.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGB format)

con_fillcolour FFFF00BB

FF: Alpha hex value (opacity)
FF: Red hex value
00: Green hex value
BB: Blue hex value


Description :
The keycode of the key that expands the console.

Allowed Values :
Integers (whole numbers) -- see this list:

And convert to decimal here:


Description :
The relative size of the scoreboard, as a multiplier.

Allowed Values :
Decimal values that are at least 0 (see: con_fontscale)


Description :
The size of the edges (border) of the scoreboard, as a multiplier.

Allowed Values :
Decimal values that are at least 0 (see: scb_edgescale)


Description :
The color of the edges (border) of the scoreboarrd.

Allowed Vales:
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the background of the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the column titles ("Name," "Ping," etc.) of the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the values of names, pings, and scores in the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the line underneath the column titles in the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the highlight box behind your name, score, etc. in the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the server name in the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the number of players on the server, which appears in the top right corner of the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The color of the VC:MP version, which appears in the bottom right corner of the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour


Description :
The keycode of the key that, when held down, displays the scoreboard.

Allowed Values :
Integers (whole numbers) -- see this list:

And convert to decimal here:


Description :
The relative size of nametags of players. Larger values increase the size of the font.

Allowed Values :
Decimal values that are at least 0 (see: con_fontscale)


Description :
Determines how well to render nametags of players. A lower value will make nametags more jagged and aliased, but may also increase game performance.

Allowed Values :
Decimal values that are at least 0.

Note :
The following is an example of tag quality, left being the lowest value:


Description :
The maximum distance, in world units, away from a player at which their nametags will appear.

Allowed Values :
Decimal values that are at least 0.


Description :
How far above a player's head their nametags are drawn, in world units

Allowed Values :
Any decimal value


Description :
Determines whether or not to draw the white, rounded background of the health and armour bars.

Allowed Values :
0 to hide, 1 to show


Description :
The color of the background of health and armor bars.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour

Note :
Alpha (AA) has no effect; bars are always 100% opaque.


Description :
The color used to represent armor in the armor bar above the name tag.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour

Note :
Alpha (AA) has no effect; bars are always 100% opaque.


Description :
The color used to represent overhealed armor (>100 armor) in the armor bar that appears above players' heads.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour

Note :
Alpha (AA) has no effect; bars are always 100% opaque.


Description :
The color
that represents 0 health for nametag health bars, which is blended between bar_healthcolmin and bar_healthcolmax.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour

Note :
Alpha (AA) has no effect; bars are always 100% opaque.


Description :
The color that represents 100 health for nametag health bars, which is blended between bar_healthcolmin and bar_healthcolmax.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour

Note :
Alpha (AA) has no effect; bars are always 100% opaque.


Description :
The color used to represent overhealed health (>100) in the health bar above name tags.

Allowed Values :
ARGB hex colors (AARRGGBB format)

See: con_fillcolour

« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 05:53:23 PM by Gohan. »

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Re: [0.4]-List -of-commands-vcmp_config.txt
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2017, 03:47:28 PM »
Stick :D

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Re: [0.4] List of Commands - vcmp_config.txt
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2017, 07:35:54 PM »
This topic is outdated and some features have been removed since it was posted on VCMP forums. Though, you could have just posted the link and you'd have spared the 60 minutes you took.

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Re: [0.4] List of Commands - vcmp_config.txt
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2017, 09:11:30 PM »