Nick used whilst ingame: Oualidov*Sky.
Time and Date that you were banned: 7/7/2018
Suspected Reason (if any):Death-evade
IP Address:
PAC ID: 44237
Admin that banned you (if known): Tarkan
Extra notes: well in fact i always hate to fall in such situations and post "here" so whatever, to be honest and just to explain my problem and to put you in context, some windows appear to me when I'm playing bcs of some programs notifications and also some keyboard problems that i always try to avoid it and this irritates me too and i never expected that ban, so i do not evade my death on game on purpose and i confirm you that there is no reason to do this at all, besides my stat is always disabled so no need to keep it in good condition and for your knowledge i am a person who accepts defeat and that day i was playing over satiety so as i told you before there is no convincing reason to do so, and im telling you it was not once that i had this problem, that happened to me many times that day and i dont know which one u banned me for it, but i assure you that it has been processed and some notifications have been disabled on my laptop what i mean is that i tried to solve the problem to prevent it from happening again, but actualy i do not blame you because i might do the same thing if i was in your place because i will understand it as you did hopefully you understand .