Nick used whilst ingame: =FM=PuRiA
Time and Date that you were banned: Today
Suspected Reason (if any): ban evade
IP Address:
PAC ID:idk
Admin that banned you (if known): rajput
Extra notes:
Hey .. I want to tell which foolish idiot for one day ban doing ban evade, I want to say if you were my place, would you be willing to do such a silly action for a day?
Imagine the admin has banned you for a day because of a little naughtiness, how can you be so stupid that you can ban evade .. You see, the problem is that I was ban in the last year for 4 weeks, but even for a moment I could not think of a ban evade .. I was reported by a player. He was doing his job. Take a look at the evidence he provided, only 27 minutes left to be released, and it seems like I have been ban evade. Let me outline the subject, I've been banned for 1 day to kill my teammate, and the next day I thought I been unban to connect to the server, I could not connect at the first time. It includes internet problem seemed to be easily attached and the second time I could, I thought I ubanned and did not know what happened, I really do not know what it was? How can someone banned to connect to the server without any software in normal mode .. Is this a server bug ?? Or that was a conspiracy against me,for knock out me? How can the number of people who ban evade in the server grow so fast if it was rarely seen until before. This is all the truth that I told you, its better to think of a solution to the server, really, I I do not know what to say. Ban evade for only a day and not a full day but just for 27 minutes left to be released .. disappointing .. It's not fair that someone's finger is always on the ban button. The reality can be two parts. The part you saw as evidence of my ban, and the part that I did not see but experienced. I mean, my writing is in It's high ... thats right I was able to connect to the server without any other software and program normally while I was banned.. How about

? How can the server doing unban me with a reconnecting..