Author Topic: What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.  (Read 1913 times)

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Offline Gulk

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Nick used whilst ingame: vv3
Time and Date that you were banned: 2 weeks from now
Suspected Reason (if any): "Aim"
IP Address: dynamic IP, so I don't know
PAC ID: the nick vv3 doesnt have a PAC ID
Admin that banned you (if known): Avenger
Extra notes: so i decided to practice some headshots in lw, since it is easier there since there isnt crouch,  I was car surfing headshotting some of the usual guys who bully dt shotgun duelers with m4/m60, they kept crying hack/aimlock, obviously all gang reporting me. and Avenger comes along and bans me. Plus, my m4 skills are subpar compared to some of the guys still in there daily, with better aim and tremendous lag.

Offline Avenger

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First of all, I would be long gone frome here if I was practicing what you suggest is banning players solely based on in-game reports, whether there's one or many of them.

I was actively spectating you for almost an hour straight - compared to a total of +/- 66 minutes of your playtime that day, not knowing it was you (as in Gulk) until afterwards, if that changes anything. Pretty much every sign of you potentially using an aim assist was there, and albeit I will not discuss the details here, I have provided and will continue to provide information regarding this tool to the staff team. Not that its rocket science or anything, but the more you're blatant about it makes the job easier for us, and this is how I would describe your "performance" that day.

Knowing that you have been questioned (and banned) by management before doesn't help in what one could say is playing a victim in this situation.

Constantly rejoining the server and therefore spamming it using names such as suck_on_niggerdick is not welcome and will cause server owners to intervene if need be, and believe me I wouldn't want that myself.

At this moment your ban is set to expire May 8th.

Offline Gulk

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Constantly rejoining the server and therefore spamming it using names such as suck_on_niggerdick is not welcome and will cause server owners to intervene if need be, and believe me I wouldn't want that myself.
LOL. maybe you would want that?
Yeah ok ok sorry about the spam. Not like it did any damage.
I myself am black skinned, so I was suggestion my own dick.

First of all, I would be long gone frome here if I was practicing what you suggest is banning players solely based on in-game reports, whether there's one or many of them.

I guess that's the thing, this game is too old for anyone to care wheter or not anyones bans are legit - that probably explains it. I wasn't suggesting you do this all the time as I don't follow this drama, I just play. (But you probably do, accidentally or not! and get away with it - going by this)
But this time, you are wrong. Fact.

Now this game is riddled with aimbot users, I'm from a time when this game was remotely clean of this corruption, and headshots werent so overpowered (instant).
You cant even headshot most people without them crying aimbot, even some of these self proclaimed "pros", that is how corrupted this mod has become.

I myself am and have been admin in other servers and I'll say one thing, what are aimbot signs exactly? Quick turns, Flicks? These are things ANYONE with a decent mouse and gaming experience can pull off man, thats why this whole aimbot situation in vcmp is bad. It leads to even good player getting banned and having their reputation blackened by some self-righteous admins and report abusing lagger kids who are the real cheats in every sense of the word.
VCMP 0.4.7 cant come quick enough, if it ever does.

Knowing that you have been questioned (and banned) by management before doesn't help in what one could say is playing a victim in this situation.

Ye, I was banned previously when I was making some map mods, which i accidentally saved into my game (and i was immediately unbanned) when i realised and explained, not to CHEAT and I wont say what happened. Deter.

I was actively spectating you for almost an hour straight - compared to a total of +/- 66 minutes of your playtime that day, not knowing it was you (as in Gulk) until afterwards, if that changes anything. Pretty much every sign of you potentially using an aim assist was there, and albeit I will not discuss the details here, I have provided and will continue to provide information regarding this tool to the staff team. Not that its rocket science or anything, but the more you're blatant about it makes the job easier for us, and this is how I would describe your "performance" that day.

Well, did you record some video of this 66+ minutes of me having aimbot symptoms? Let's see my horrible, evil cheats.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 03:52:39 PM by Gulk »