Current name: [K]DrAgOn$
Past names: KiNg$
Age: 15
Country: Bangkok,Thailand
Timezone: GMT +5 : 30
Time playing SAMP: Including the ~1 year pause.. For about 3- 3,5 years.
Time playing in LittleWhitey's: Uh, my feeling for time ain't pretty good but- about 4 months.
Average hourly play in LittleWhitey's: About 2 hours a day.
Average days play in LittleWhitey's: Roughly i can say that you can see me in LittleWhitey's every day.
Reason: I'm applying not just because of a personal thought, i was also induced to make an application by some old friends of mine. Yes, i really don't like people who are not loyal to the server and yes, i can do something about it. And i know that you people have heard a lot of "I want to ban cheaters and help out newbies," and i know hearing these phrases in every application may make them sound cheap, but yes, those are an administrator's number 1 obligations. And yes, i realize that being an administrator gives u responsibility and i know what it means, because I have ~1,5 year administration experience in NoN rpg server, where i was an avowed administrator.
I've become an active and loyal player in LittleWhitey's Server and I intend to remain active, and contribute to the server as much as I can.