Author Topic: [GUIDE] How to change your in-game name and keep all your money, stats and cars  (Read 23895 times)

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How to change your in-game username without losing money, vehicles or stats

Dear players! This is the only proper way to change your in-game name! Under any circumstances do not register a new name because after that it will be impossible to transfer your stats and money to the new account. By following this guide you ensure your name change will be quick and successful and you will save us from additional work. Also please, do not message any staff members about your name change. This will not speed up the process at all and it may even lead to the rejection of your name change request. Thank you.

1. Go to the Project Apollo Community (PAC) website. (
2. Login using your current littlewhitey's VC-MP in-game username and password.

3. Once you have successfully logged in, you notice your so called "community name" displayed at the top right corner of your screen. Click on your name and a small window will appear below. Inside that window click on "Settings".

4. The first thing you should now see is a field named "In-game name". Enter your new in-game name in that field and hit "Save" at the very bottom of the page.

5. Now you just have to wait. A name change is a manual process which requires a PAC admin approval. This may take minutes, hours, maybe even a few days. Please be patient.

6. After your name change has been approved you can connect to the server and play with your new nickname. All done!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 06:42:59 PM by Darfy »

Offline Darfy

Re: How to change your ingame USERNAME!
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 11:11:41 AM »
Great topic, I bet this will be helpful if people bothered to go through these sticky topics before creating a new one though.

Also just a reminder, the way explained above is the one and only way to retain your vehicle, money and stats when changing your in-game nickname, so PLEASE request a name change instead of creating a new account.

Offline Force

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Re: How to change your ingame USERNAME!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 09:21:49 PM »
Just to elaborate on this slightly since some of you have missed it, DO NOT REGISTER THE NEW NICKNAME!. The amount of requests this week where PAC has come back and said 'Nope, can't do that, the name already exists' is crazy.
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Offline Darfy

Re: Guide: How to change your in-game USERNAME!, + (Transfer Stats and Money)
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 09:39:12 AM »
The guide has been rewritten to match the new PAC layout.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 12:38:06 PM by Darfy »

Offline Darfy

Re: Guide: How to change your in-game USERNAME!, + (Transfer Stats and Money)
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 12:38:14 PM »
Support moderators!

I ask you to translate the new guide and update the according topic if they're not up to date yet. Here's the topic template to ease your work:
Code: [Select]
[size=14pt]Guide: How to change your in-game username [u]without losing money, vehicles and stats[/u][/size]

[b]1.[/b] Go to the Project Apollo Community (PAC) website. ([url=][/url]) Login using your current littlewhitey's VC-MP in-game [b]username[/b] and [b]password[/b].



[b]2.[/b] Once you have successfully logged in, you notice your so called "community name" displayed at the top right corner of your screen. [b]Click on your name[/b] and a small window will appear below. Inside that window click on "[b]Update profile[/b]".



[b]3.[/b] Scroll down the page until you see a box saying "[b]In-game Name[/b] ... " above it. [b]Enter your desired new in-game name[/b] in that box and hit "[b]Save settings[/b]" at the bottom of the page.



[b]4.[/b] Now you just have to wait. A name change is a manual process which requires an admin approval. This may take minutes, hours, maybe a day. Please be patient.



[b]5.[/b] After your name change has been approved you can connect to the server and play with your new nickname. All done!

[size=12pt][b]NOTE:[/b] Dear players! This is the only proper way to change your in-game name! Under any circumstances [u]do not[/u] register a new name because after that it will be impossible to transfer your stats and money to the new account. By following this guide you ensure your name change will be quick and successful and you will save us from additional work. Also please, do not message any staff members about your name change. This will not speed up the process at all and it may even lead to the rejection of your name change request. Thank you.[/size]
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 04:37:50 PM by Darfy »

Offline Darfy

The guide has been updated with new images that match the new PAC layout.

Again I ask the Support -board moderators to update the guides topics using this template:

Code: [Select]
[center][size=16pt][b]How to change your in-game username without losing money, vehicles or stats[/b][/size][/center]

Dear players! This is the only proper way to change your in-game name! Under any circumstances [u]do not[/u] register a new name because after that it will be impossible to transfer your stats and money to the new account. By following this guide you ensure your name change will be quick and successful and you will save us from additional work. Also please, do not message any staff members about your name change. This will not speed up the process at all and it may even lead to the rejection of your name change request. Thank you.


[b]1.[/b] Go to the Project Apollo Community (PAC) website. ([url=][/url])
[b]2.[/b] Login using your current littlewhitey's VC-MP in-game [b]username[/b] and [b]password[/b].



[b]3.[/b] Once you have successfully logged in, you notice your so called "community name" displayed at the top right corner of your screen. [b]Click on your name[/b] and a small window will appear below. Inside that window click on "[b]Settings[/b]".



[b]4.[/b] The first thing you should now see is a field named "[b]In-game name[/b]". [b]Enter your new in-game name[/b] in that field and hit "[b]Save[/b]" at the very bottom of the page.



[b]5.[/b] Now you just have to wait. A name change is a manual process which requires a PAC admin approval. This may take minutes, hours, maybe even a few days. Please be patient.

[img width=300 height=300][/img]


[b]6.[/b] After your name change has been approved you can connect to the server and play with your new nickname. All done!
