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<@ILikeTurtles> 02[21] 05DarkZomb[GT] to IRC: dont put this on chat please, im gay
so I have been surprised i slap my brother and i make the ban appeal
Rules:-arent allowed to lame,flame or disrespect the clan members.You got to be a player with an excellent attitude towards MwK and other players"Respect all the players on the gang!We dont want to hear you saying newfag to a player who just started with sa-mp and is as unskilled like everyone who started with sa-mp have been, just respect them and kick their tiny little ass.If you get banned, I will give you 1 warning or kick you directly from the gang, Counts on what you have done and how fair you've been to the community.
Quote from: [V]Sl0c4N on October 22, 2012, 10:17:32 PMWe dont want to hear you saying newfag to a player who just started with sa-mp and is as unskilled like everyone who started with sa-mp have been, just respect them and kick their tiny little ass.Straight. This.Made.My.Day. Welcome and good luck. x]
We dont want to hear you saying newfag to a player who just started with sa-mp and is as unskilled like everyone who started with sa-mp have been, just respect them and kick their tiny little ass.Straight.
feels like deja vu.