Author Topic: Important  (Read 7439 times)

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« on: December 20, 2015, 01:01:35 AM »
Dear all,

I've decided to address this message to the general board of the forum as this concerns not only the players of VC-MP, but visitors from foreign gaming communities too.

It has recently come to my attention that a certain 'VCMP THE ONE TESTING SERVER' has appeared on the VC-MP server list, operating by the IP It is a 98% rip-off of our current VC-MP script, but it should, by no means, be regarded as a physically stolen script, but simply the work of a very lazy scripter who was not bothered to come up with a script concept of his own.

The server itself poses no risk to LWs, but I request that none of you be dumb and naive enough to register on this server, especially with a password matching that of the one you may use on any other VC-MP server, or any other GTA:MP platform server, at that.

Thank you for your attention.