Author Topic: Report for abuse of an administrator,specifically (p4t)  (Read 1148 times)

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Offline Onanist

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Report for abuse of an administrator,specifically (p4t)
« on: August 23, 2017, 05:51:07 AM »
Hi everyone I did not think it necessary to get to this but I found it unfair. Playing on 23-08-17 I ran into an administrator named p4t, who barely saw me mocking me for being new and who killed me easily. Which I answered to defend myself and received repeated threats from his first part I mute and then continued threatening me to take action. In other occasions I saw other users to kill them instead of letting it play freely and avoiding that the banned server killed. It is one thing to have the power to moderate and another abuse of such power as if that gave him a superior power and is only an administrator know to understand that is called abuse here and everywhere. I hope they take the appropriate action . Thank you!
Hola a todos no crei necesario llegar a esto pero me parecio injusto. Jugando el dia 23-08-17 me tope con un administrador llamado p4t , el cual apenas me vio, se burlo de mi por ser nuevo y que me mataran facilmente . Lo cual yo respondi para defenderme y recibi reiteradas amenazas de su parte primero me muteo y luego siguio amenazandome con que tomaria medidas. En otras ocaciones vi persiguiendo a otros usuarios para matarlos en vez de dejarlo jugar libremente y al evitar que lo mataran los baneo del server. Una cosa es tener el poder de moderar y otra abusarse de tal poder como si eso le diera un poder superior y no es mas que un administrador sabran entender que eso se llama abuso aca y en todos lados. Espero que tomen las medidas correspondiente . Gracias!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 07:34:31 AM by Onanist »

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Re: Report for abuse of an administrator,specifically (p4t)
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2017, 07:49:13 AM »
This is in the wrong section, first of all.  Also no offense, but it's very difficult to understand the English part.  Anyway, yeah Onanist is a new player and it was all fun and games until he started hurling the standard insults at me like kid and noob every time he died.  I muted him and nicely asked him to stop (the "threats" he referred to), unmuted him, he continued, I muted him again, and so on.  It's not abuse when I simply enforce the rules of the server (don't insult or harass staff members), and I never specifically went after you anyway.  I think we were both fighting in the same area and you happened to be an easy target.  You need to let this go, and realize that you are very lucky that you're still able to play in this server.

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Re: Report for abuse of an administrator,specifically (p4t)
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 06:07:12 AM »
Follow proper format