Author Topic: P4t - authority abuse  (Read 1462 times)

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Offline Onanist

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P4t - authority abuse
« on: August 23, 2017, 04:43:18 PM »
Nickname: p4t
Time and date (if known): Today
Suspected method of cheat/exploit/rule break used:  authority abuse
Evidence: As I am new I was wrong to report and method, but the defendant answered me and here is the test. If you read carefully, you are using your position as administrator to disqualify my statement that he is mocking and attacking me
This is in the wrong section, first of all.  Also no offense, but it's very difficult to understand the English part.  Anyway, yeah Onanist is a new player and it was all fun and games until he started hurling the standard insults at me like kid and noob every time he died.  I muted him and nicely asked him to stop (the "threats" he referred to), unmuted him, he continued, I muted him again, and so on.  It's not abuse when I simply enforce the rules of the server (don't insult or harass staff members), and I never specifically went after you anyway.  I think we were both fighting in the same area and you happened to be an easy target.  You need to let this go, and realize that you are very lucky that you're still able to play in this server.
Additional information:
Sorry for my English but if you do not understand use the translator as I am using it

Hi everyone I did not think it necessary to get to this but I found it unfair. Playing on 23-08-17 I ran into an administrator named p4t, who barely saw me mocking me for being new and who killed me easily. Which I answered to defend myself and received repeated threats from his first part I mute and then continued threatening me to take action. In other occasions I saw other users to kill them instead of letting it play freely and avoiding that the banned server killed. It is one thing to have the power to moderate and another abuse of such power as if that gave him a superior power and is only an administrator know to understand that is called abuse here and everywhere. I hope they take the appropriate action . Thank you!

Hola a todos no crei necesario llegar a esto pero me parecio injusto. Jugando el dia 23-08-17 me tope con un administrador llamado p4t , el cual apenas me vio, se burlo de mi por ser nuevo y que me mataran facilmente . Lo cual yo respondi para defenderme y recibi reiteradas amenazas de su parte primero me muteo y luego siguio amenazandome con que tomaria medidas. En otras ocaciones vi persiguiendo a otros usuarios para matarlos en vez de dejarlo jugar libremente y al evitar que lo mataran los baneo del server. Una cosa es tener el poder de moderar y otra abusarse de tal poder como si eso le diera un poder superior y no es mas que un administrador sabran entender que eso se llama abuso aca y en todos lados. Espero que tomen las medidas correspondiente . Gracias!
Original post:,29577.msg284182.html#msg284182

Offline Noori

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2017, 05:52:29 PM »
Hello managers will look into this but abusing an admin is not allowed you should know that .

Offline PunkNoodle

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 12:13:35 AM »
Hi, I appreciate a lot the fact that you adjusted the topic to follow the correct format. However this report can't be taken seriously unless you back up your words with solid evidence, that is an important step to make sure we get objective material to judge the situation on. However as you're new I recommend you to lurk a little more, make sure to read the server rules which are explained in detail in this forum, as you may read eventually, insulting staff members isn't tolerated and normally results in a mute. Also killing players is the main objective of this server, being a deathmatch server. Hope you'll have more fun from now on :)
I'm waiting for you to apologize on your knees for committing this tape mistake that will cost you dearly hahaha

Offline Onanist

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2017, 12:59:22 AM »
PunkNoodle see
For an administrator like p4t to ban someone with no motives but his word that if it is correct but I have to look for evidence ?? . Here in the game are all derogatory and crying so that I can respect it. An administrator must be impartial and not make fun of users, this is to control but here must be the problem. They take to administer to minors, which means that they take to heart everything that is said to them and they use that power that they gave to him to become the bad ones. I am of age, I do not have time to do catching games to create me, in any case you as a person who manages this place you should look for the tests, after all you do not know them in people to the administrators, they are All virtual people. What part of abusing his power do not you understand ?? Since you want me to capture something that happens at the moment, that would be sickly. In any case the tests have to be for evasions not for an abuse of an administrator, it should be worth my word like the one of all. The p4t chance is accommodated as admin? In that case I change servers and I do not waste my time anymore if in the end they do what they want. I made you a capture of his message, in which he affirms that it was real .. He changes the words and they take that as valid discarding what I say

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2017, 01:53:17 AM »

Offline Onanist

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2017, 02:24:24 AM »

Another who participates in the same schedule is this one. Suriattacker, hardly anyone can accept my opinion unanswered, as I say have underage administrators. They take everything as a joke and humiliate people, when someone responds something they do not like, they start with threats, especially p4t. If I could respect the administrators and they did not keep up with the users, responding like rats kids, as they usually say now.

Or using images like this that put suri, so there is a forum if you can respect someone?

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2017, 02:50:04 AM »
They take everything as a joke and humiliate people, when someone responds something they do not like, they start with threats
Meh, provide some evidence then.

On edit :
Evidence MUST be included with your report. This must be in the form of either a video, screenshot or log.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 03:02:01 AM by SuriAttacker »

Offline Onanist

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2017, 03:20:38 AM »
OK suri...
I'll be watching him

If true take action? . I would like other admins to, not only judge your friend

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2017, 03:30:07 AM »
If you can't provide an evidence then I'll have to deny this report, because it's clearly stated that you should include an evidence in your report. Actually the management team would have taken care of this, but since you didn't post any evidence yet they can't investigate and take care of it.

I'll give you 24 hours to provide an evidence, and if you don't have any evidence then I will deny this report.

Offline Onanist

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2017, 03:37:33 AM »

You are underage as everyone here. Salis with that ?. Obviously it is because he is your friend and you do not want them to take it out, they seek more cons to take action but if at the moment without knowing me he does not like my way of being he silences me or bans me. In any place that is unfair, here they manage, so I do not know why they put it public. As I can have evidence of something happened yesterday at that very moment. Even a retard would realize that would be impossible. Unless it's a geek who has video capture like most freakish virgins. It is assumed that there are more administrators and not just you or him.

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2017, 03:41:05 AM »

Currently this is my test. Your statement should be more than sufficient evidence to certify my argument, to dismiss it is something else. In any case that the present proves that it is not so, all days
Quote from: p4t on August 23, 2017, 07:49:13 am
This is in the wrong section, first of all.  Also no offense, but it's very difficult to understand the English part.  Anyway, yeah Onanist is a new player and it was all fun and games until he started hurling the standard insults at me like kid and noob every time he died.  I muted him and nicely asked him to stop (the "threats" he referred to), unmuted him, he continued, I muted him again, and so on.  It's not abuse when I simply enforce the rules of the server (don't insult or harass staff members), and I never specifically went after you anyway.  I think we were both fighting in the same area and you happened to be an easy target.  You need to let this go, and realize that you are very lucky that you're still able to play in this server.

Offline Ratchet

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2017, 06:56:21 AM »
A statement is what one describes his/her side of the story. Evidence is the proof. If you don't have the evidence as stated earlier. From what i understand from p4t's post, it seems that you started insulting him, then he muted you, and asked you to stop insulting him. But you never took heed of his advice and continued. There is no substance in this report. Also don't double post. Its against the forum rules.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 07:05:09 AM by Ratchet »

Offline Onanist

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2017, 02:22:08 PM »
I do not start insulting you, in the end you'll keep what the administrator says. This I say does all the time, at all. As much as they speak normal if they say something they do not like, threatens to mute it or take other measures. I'm saying there's abuse of power, do not you understand ??. Apart from writing in Spanish, he does not understand and believes that he is being insulted when he is not referred to. It is said that it is of venezuela so do not be made the one who does not understand.
No lo empece a insultar,al final te vas quedar con lo que diga el administrador. Esto que digo lo hace todo el tiempo, a todos. Por mas que hable normal si dicen algo que no les guste , los amenaza con mutearlo o que tomara otras medidas.  Estoy diciendo que hay abuso de poderr, acaso no entienden??. Aparte mismo de escribir en español , el no entienda y cree que se lo esta insultando cuando ni es referido a el. Se dice que es de venezuela asi que no se haga el que no entiende.

The evidence should be on both sides and I do not see that p4t put up evidence to defend itself, like any court.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 02:25:20 PM by Onanist »

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Re: P4t - authority abuse
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2017, 03:39:05 PM »
I scarcely comprehend a word. Admins are trusted individuals, respectively, they're not required to provide any evidence.

I'm going to lock this up. Don't hesitate to create a new topic though it must contain really solid evidence in order to be valid.