Nick used whilst ingame: Hervey.
Time and Date that you were banned: Now
Suspected Reason (if any): GodM4 ban-Evade
IP Address:
PAC ID: 35
Admin that banned you (if known): Rajput
Extra notes: oh look again banned reason GODM4 Dude look its Me 552N what's proof you have the Hervey is GODM4?, broo Go learn something and show me proof then banne me, its just power abuse cuz you dont have any strong proof or normaly just show there if you have or or you can ask FullFilled's, Full's give me this nick which called Hervey, Oka about GODM4 which hack he use? can you show us? its too admin abuse, well we have 12th PC's how thats possible only one guy using aimlock which we dont have and we dont know about any hack we playing clearly.
if you guys cant play in LW then dont come there