Hello Everyone at the server, thanks for doing a great job
Now I'm pretty sure that this is something that a lot of my fellow regulars on the server will probably agree with. When the admins are around they do a great job of policing our server of cheaters so all us racers can race fairly as the vast majority of us wish to. However, when there are no admins about the server can be a bit of a nightmare. I think the current vote-kick percentage required is a tad too high.
What happens at the moment if a cheater appears ingame is that everyone tries calling the admins. If this fails, after a while the people who know how to votekick will use the votekick command. If not enough votes are cast, we will ask people using the chat function to please vote-kick the cheater. If the people who havent voted dont know how to use the chat function, or dont understand english, or whatever, then everyone is stuck with the cheater. This can be really frustrating as there is no choice but to leave after a while of being cheated. I'm sure this must actually put people off of joining the server in the first place, as its annoying to be stuck with a cheater. Also this probably attracts hackers as well if they know its so hard to get kicked when no admins are there.
Thanks for listening I hope my suggestion can be implemented in some way