who is the members that was playing AAD? id like to know
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More or less we've all tried it.
I love this munkeyz very much :p..especially scott..when i fight with someone..then i kill guy and he heli kill me..or when guy kill me then he say owned..then scott come and heli own him..<.<
Apart from the fact that that sentence didn't make much sense alltogether, is that even relevant? I mean seriously, we don't care.. I helikill on LW's cause it's fun, and because I hate Running Weapons. You're always the first one to say I don't fight fair nor do you ever give a chance to those newbies who only have a deagle. When I helikill @ nam it's because I like swooping down and nabbing everyone who is teaming up on others anyway.
I'm not gonna start a 'no u' discussion about who lames who on a DM server, in which you have to watch your back if you don't wanna die.