After a race begins, i say we make it against the rules for a rustler to destroy the racers.
1. They are faster.
2. Their guns destroy infernuses in seconds.
3. They are impossible to avoid.
4. Someone in your passenger seat gunning cannot destroy them (too far away).
5. A single rustler can completely ruin a race.
6. You cannot hire people to shoot down the rustlers during a race, or you're typing will cause your race position to drop.
7. It is nearly impossible for a rustler to crash, since races are on highways. (nothing to crash into).
8. Takes absolutely no skill (unlike helikilling) to pilot a rustler, so any old noob can do it.
9. If you hide your vehicle in a tunnel, you comprimise your winning capabilities.
10. All around unfair, cheap, unstoppable, fun-ruining tactic, and should be monitored.
I'm not saying ban the rustler-fags, but at least kick them so us racers can finish a race. Raceblocking, tireshooting, passenger w/ smg, or a gunner on the roof is legit. Those methods all can be avoided. A rustler on your tail ensures a 100% probability of losing the race.