You all love when an admin says: SAY YOUR ID FOR DM! , but its hard and long to organize. Admins have to teleport, disarm, make teams, give weapons and say when it is starting. My suggestion is a command for admins, /deathmatch , which shows u a menu like this:
From this menu admins will be able to organize it easier. They will be able to set if its a DM or TDM, how much gangs/players , add them to the dm, set the prize, set weapons and the skin and name of each team. Then the dm will start in another world, and LW players will be able to spect it with a command like /spectdm. When it finishes, the server will say the winner itself.
With this script i think there´ll be more dms, because right now its lazy for admins to organize some and we, the players, will have fun.