Alright guys. A few questions/comments
1. Whats the best video-capture software? I'll need to download it.
2. I've read the rules Twister posted, and i've broken zero of them.
3. Yes I used an airplane, but the rules said nothing about an airplane.
4. Also, Smokey did not fly me onto the roof. Thats false.
5. It will take me forever to re-create this stunt.
6. I did NOT use Hop Hop Hop.
7. Putting the car on the wing of an andromada, and dumping it on the roof of a tiny-ass building IS a stunt. It's extremely hard to maneuver. Maybe i "bent" the rules. But i did not break them. Also, Meow, Smokey, S3rs, ACE, Jets, and several others know how i did it. But do you see them re-creating it? NO. ITs fucking hard.