
Would you like driveby to be limited by script?

Only allowed in cars
5 (27.8%)
Only allowed with MP5
0 (0%)
Only allowed with MP5 and Cars
5 (27.8%)
8 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: Special treatment for driveby  (Read 15729 times)

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Offline Gryphus_One

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2010, 10:31:18 PM »
And what about a script code that, after dbing (even if you don't kill anyone with it), a time counter starts and if you get out of the car you can't shoot your weapons on foot within a minute after the last db shot, would that be scriptable?

Offline AJP

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2010, 10:57:53 PM »
For fucks sake gryphus, I make this topic to propose a specific suggestion to limit db and you come with you're fucking annoying complicated and really stupid long ideas.
Any way, for the last fucking time I'll tell you why this is all a load of crap.

-If someone is dbed many times in a row, he becomes immune to db for some minutes. And/or viceversa: if you db kill many times in a row (no matter if you kill a different player each time or always the same), you become unable to db for some minutes. I think this would be more or less easy to script: for each time you are db killed, a time counter starts (for example, 5 minutes), and if within that time others keep dbing you and your limit of db deaths is exceeded, you get the immunity for other some minutes. And exactly the same for the inability to db when you kill with db too many times in a short time (although in this case we should discuss whether the time counter should stop if the dber dies).
You start making people immune to shit and bugs are bound to happen, it happens when people exit interiors, it happened with the race start preventions and I'll guarafuckingtee you that it'll happen with this. Granting immunity for shit is a big mistake, it confuses bugged players with the real deal health hackers.

-The existence of two ranks: dber and soldier, and each player chooses which one he prefers. If you choose dber you spawn with MP5 and you can db, but you have a lower bank limit (for example 2 millions) and you can't buy properties, whereas if you choose soldier you spawn with Uzi or Tec9 and sawns, you can't db (by script or being punished if you do it), but in return you have a higher bank limit (for example 8 millions, and 10 for donators) and you can buy properties. Obviously new players would be advised to choose rank dber whereas the regulars would choose rank soldier.
There are many games in which players are divided in different groups depending on their skills, and those who choose the hard way are granted some privileges while the new players stay on easier groups while they learn to play.
Now you want to make it even easier for driveby'ers? so much of the SA:MP community hates db to begin with, now on spawn they'll see db'ers have their own personal rank, they'll just say fuck that shit I'm going somewhere else where I can have a chance fighting on foot. Also involving cash and driveby doesn't make any sense to me, lw's offers all game plays (except certain bugs and of course cheats) and your success in cash shouldn't affect how you want to kill ._.
ALSO messing with all this rank thing and having to choose at the beginning is just confusing for new players, either they'll just press enter all the time or they'll quit, let alone read anything about how your bank limit is one or two million higher or lower.

-Enabling or disabling the ability to db for each player individually depending on his kill ratio. This is related with the handicapping system that I suggested in this thread ( http://forum.littlewhiteys.co.uk/index.php/topic,12901.0.html ), since db is a kind of handicap by itself, and this regulating system would be gradual and progressive: players with a very low kill ratio could db freely, others with a bit higher ratio would have their tyres popped (like now), the next level would be setting the vehicle on fire, the next level would be losing some health, money or ammo (in this last case, only until next death and respawn, not permanently), and finally for players with a high kill ratio, they could die if they db.
Again with the goddamn stats. STATS AREN'T WHAT DETERMINE HOW GOOD OR HOW NEW A PLAYER IS TO SA:MP. Get it in your head, some people are new to lw's and not new to sa:mp so they could very very easily take advantage of anything that new stats offer them, whereas if I'm a regular player and I see I suddenly have disadvantages against people who are new I'll just lose interest.

And I repeat, if you're gonna make a suggestion about driveby different than this just post it somewhere else, I'm sick of every suggestion topic being so changed that nobody even knows what the original suggestion was.

Offline Gryphus_One

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #47 on: May 15, 2010, 11:40:16 PM »
really stupid long ideas.

English is not my first language, I thought I knew it more or less well but now I see I still have much English to learn: today I find out that in English, the word stupid has the same meaning as the words clever, ingenious and smart. ;) ;D

Any way, for the last fucking time I'll tell you why this is all a load of crap.

The last time?? :o :o
And when was the first time?

You start making people immune to shit and bugs are bound to happen, it happens when people exit interiors, it happened with the race start preventions and I'll guarafuckingtee you that it'll happen with this.

Well, if the game or the script are buggy that's not my fault, and that doesn't mean my ideas are bad, it just means that Samp doesn't have the ability to have these ideas correctly implemented and to make them work well. (Now I start the countdown before any kid comes saying my ideas are bad only to troll a little ;D 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...) XD

Granting immunity for shit is a big mistake, it confuses bugged players with the real deal health hackers.

Yeah, and if you see a car jumping because his driver has bought hop hop hop, you can think he is cheating, and if you see an admin spawning a Hydra you can think he is cheating, and the same if you see someone with a chainsaw and nobody tells you that you can buy it in special items...

-The existence of two ranks: dber and soldier
Now you want to make it even easier for driveby'ers?

Dividing the players into two different groups is making it easier for dbers?? :o

-Enabling or disabling the ability to db for each player individually depending on his kill ratio.
Again with the goddamn stats. STATS AREN'T WHAT DETERMINE HOW GOOD OR HOW NEW A PLAYER IS TO SA:MP. Get it in your head

Why do you say "again with the goddamn stats"? Were you there when I talked for the first time about handicaps based on stats, to explain me that this is bad? no, you weren't, so now don't come showing how sick you are as if I were insisting on something that you had previously told me that is wrong. Besides:

some people are new to lw's and not new to sa:mp so they could very very easily take advantage of anything that new stats offer them, whereas if I'm a regular player and I see I suddenly have disadvantages against people who are new I'll just lose interest.

Please read my messages, I said CLEARLY that the parallel and hidden stats I suggested in the other thread, would be reseted on each login, so everyone would start in the same conditions, and the handicaps would be varying as the players kill and die.

Offline Alex0

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2010, 11:41:41 PM »
Omg, don't keep posting here about your stuff.

Offline AJP

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #49 on: May 15, 2010, 11:50:28 PM »

I really can't be bothered with you man, just make a new topic instead of linking to all of your old suggestions.

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2010, 11:53:02 PM »
screw it stats are stats wether you hide them or not
if the dbers now there gettign somethign out of it the dont give a shit

Offline tony_ab

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2010, 10:14:48 AM »
Someone should really forum ban gryphus for such idiotic and annoying behaviour, and for posting such stupid ideas.
[V]1rU$ 4ever :)

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2010, 10:20:42 AM »
I didn't bother to read all this. So forgive me if this was said before. Ive read disco's reply about people running in a car and he said almost the same.
-1 From me. Simply because I like to hunt people in a car, but I also like to fight without DB. So im not buying a MP5 but a tec/uzi.
THis will mean that DB will be disabled and I can't shoot people who are driving a car. I can't hunt people with RW or long range weapons.
And taking a rustler takes to much time, sometimes there aren't any rustlers near you.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 10:23:08 AM by JOKERCLAN.com »
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2010, 12:33:09 PM »
Someone should really forum ban gryphus for such idiotic and annoying behaviour, and for posting such stupid ideas.


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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #54 on: May 18, 2010, 11:51:51 AM »
hm not bad idee +1

Offline Alex0

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #55 on: May 18, 2010, 12:31:22 PM »
This idea should be accepted, this really gonna help to the server.

Offline CranK_Max

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #56 on: May 18, 2010, 04:29:24 PM »
Nice one! +1

I had to laugh xD

Offline MidNight

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2010, 05:17:21 PM »
This all complicated ideas, i mean Popz is the owner of lw, why hes not saying something to
this that lw's going down(27 players in avarge), i now he has a life and all other stuff,
but serously he or someone else of the lw bosses shoud smash on the table and say:
or sth like this..nothin personal but i gues lw needs more discipline in my opinion....
I mean this is your server, that means youre rules, you the boss you can do everything in it
who wants to tell you sth, you pay MONEY so it will be hosted...so do please sth lol  :D
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 05:19:04 PM by MidNight »

Offline Alex0

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #58 on: May 18, 2010, 05:50:57 PM »
This all complicated ideas, i mean Popz is the owner of lw, why hes not saying something to
this that lw's going down(27 players in avarge), i now he has a life and all other stuff,
but serously he or someone else of the lw bosses shoud smash on the table and say:
or sth like this..nothin personal but i gues lw needs more discipline in my opinion....
I mean this is your server, that means youre rules, you the boss you can do everything in it
who wants to tell you sth, you pay MONEY so it will be hosted...so do please sth lol  :D

LOL, wat

Offline Me[T]aL_

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Re: Special treatment for driveby
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2010, 12:52:14 AM »
popz comes once a century 
dugi comes once a month