Every time someone does that, idiots like you sign up with LVP players or GTA:T players. I made this for LW, you yourself LEFT lw hell you even made a big scene to go with it, EvilGate might not be the biggest regular but hes been here for around a month and has played regularly, iou, Hoff, Alvarez and Zegro haven't been around in the last two months as much as him, Hell I've never even seen Alvarez or iou play in ages, how does that make them a part of the current LW community
The only reason I may add Scott's team is because I've known Alvarez and Zegro as old LW players, I can't accept both teams as thats just proposterious, on one side theres old regulars and on the other theres players who have never been regulars, I'd rather accept the team that actually used to play here then never at all