
ping limit should be

20 (51.3%)
6 (15.4%)
450 is ok
13 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 36

Author Topic: decrease the ping limit  (Read 13942 times)

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Offline â–ºBuRNZâ„¢

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2010, 03:44:58 PM »
rly guys this is retarded.
we will lose even more players with a lower ping limit. laggers might be harder to fight but they cant aim at you properly too so its a fair fight again. i dont like this suggestion at all.
high pingers arent retards!!!!?

350 or 400 ... high pingers arent hard to hit soo badly if they dont warp and shit  ...  btw u lag more than any high pinger in the server cheetos

Offline AJP

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2010, 04:59:06 PM »
Cheetos doesn't lagg at all anymore, he used to have rly bad fps lagg but he managed to fix it. I think I've done over a couple dozen duels with him without any problems.

As far as ping goes, it's reasonable to say that people with 400-450 ping don't even have a proper gaming experience and also find themselves bugged 70% of the time. I used to not know that downloads caused this and would have to always relog because of bugs and shit since the server would stop detecting me while entering a menu or some shit. It's reasonable to place a ping limit between 350 and 400, most people around the world can play and even though they're still laggers against <100 pingers it's fair to say they can both have a decent gaming experience no?

Also another note Simon that Admins and Mods shouldn't get ping kicked because lots of times they would get kicked while checking reports, I found myself sometimes ingame just to check reports and idle a bit, so it's not really an advantage.

Basically people with over 400 ping bring bugs, and many times get desynced to the server and getting banned wrongfully and/or players upset.

Offline Roach

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2010, 11:17:01 AM »
Hmmm, ain't it pathetic???
Little whiteys need laggers to fill up the server

Offline Gryphus_One

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2010, 11:28:20 AM »
Btw kicking someone because his ping is to high, is just racism. Instead of reducing it i thing we should increase it to 500. That way more people can join as most people that do join LW are from America (north and south) Some of them have better connections than others so we shouldnt put a hold to that.

And you talk about irony?? Ain't it ironic that now you talk about racism and about everyone's right to play here, when you are always claiming for a hard, unbalanced and discriminatory server??
You are losing your credibility on every single message you post.

Offline Roach

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2010, 11:51:27 AM »
Btw kicking someone because his ping is to high, is just racism. Instead of reducing it i thing we should increase it to 500. That way more people can join as most people that do join LW are from America (north and south) Some of them have better connections than others so we shouldnt put a hold to that.

And you talk about irony?? Ain't it ironic that now you talk about racism and about everyone's right to play here, when you are always claiming for a hard, unbalanced and discriminatory server??
You are losing your credibility on every single message you post.

Lol, yea how do you call it when you accuse others of being retards???? isnt that something like racism aswell????
Damn 1.hypocrite

Btw, I said the limit should be set lower cuz maybe it attracts those players who like smoother gameplay.
In the other hand it making it higher could attract more laggers.(probably results in more players than the low limit)
Which one is better???
« Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 11:53:47 AM by [SW]Roach »

Offline Gryphus_One

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2010, 12:53:37 PM »
Ohh by the way, I was forgetting this:

Its not just the officials tab being removed. LW got lame, LW got easy, LW got lazy, LW got smacked in the face but didnt wake up.

Ohh yeah, sure that these are the causes of the server being empty, of course the gangs 4 vs 1 and the stats nerds rapping new players don't have anything to do, right?

And of course LW got easier, that's the progress in everything!!! calculators make maths easier, computers make all the administrative and office works much easier, digital cameras make it easier to take and edit hundreds of photos, modern medical equipment make things easier for medics and patients, agricultural machinery make the farmer's work easier, etc.
When something is very difficult, you are less productive because you have to focus all your efforts in only that specific task, whereas if things are easier you can be more productive because you can spread your efforts in other things at the same time.

If travelling through time were possible, I bet you would be happy in the Stone Age...

Offline Disco

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2010, 01:27:32 PM »
its pretty clear
all i want to say if that possible to decrease the ping limit to 300...

Good idea ...

We will lose some players but we will also get some cuz the new player dont meet people which "cant be hit"

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2010, 01:52:18 PM »
its pretty clear
all i want to say if that possible to decrease the ping limit to 300...

Good idea ...

We will lose some players but we will also get some cuz the new player dont meet people which "cant be hit"

Offline Gryphus_One

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2010, 01:56:28 PM »
We will lose some players but we will also get some cuz the new player dont meet people which "cant be hit"

Mmmm, but new players are more focused on not being hit, than in hitting other players. In other words: for a new player, the priority is to survive rather than to kill, so a new player is more likely to stay if he is allowed to be a beer lagger than if he is not, despite of him having it harder to kill others.

Offline Roach

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2010, 02:12:48 PM »
We will lose some players but we will also get some cuz the new player dont meet people which "cant be hit"

Mmmm, but new players are more focused on not being hit, than in hitting other players. In other words: for a new player, the priority is to survive rather than to kill, so a new player is more likely to stay if he is allowed to be a beer lagger than if he is not, despite of him having it harder to kill others.

I got your point.
But if the killing is a little bit easier for the new fella's, they might be more tempted try & kill others which is more fun than running away.
They will get more & quicker skills this way, which increases the chance of them stickin to the server.

Offline robbynab

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2010, 03:20:57 PM »
Wait, you could also stop blaming "noobs" not staying, but blaming regulars who aren't here anymore.
When I started, playercount was >120, with like 10[V]s, 10[JOKER]s, 10[Nx]s and several clanless regulars, so yeah.

Offline BikeDriver

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2010, 06:59:50 PM »
 i really hope that noone of the scripters is so stupid to take this suggestion serious.

Haha blwelrwelrt, I registered here earlier :P

Offline BikeDriver

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #42 on: August 03, 2010, 12:27:21 AM »
lol there always was a gang called "350+ ping laggers" almost every time 15+ members :D

lukatonn was one of them.. it was hilarious :D


Haha blwelrwelrt, I registered here earlier :P

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2010, 11:34:24 PM »
take a look on this

Offline englander

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Re: decrease the ping limit
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2010, 02:59:00 PM »
leave the ping limit alone or put it to 400 we dont need to lose more ppl

Agree with that you have a lot of south American players and if you drop your ping limit to 300 you will freeze them out.