So...what I want to know is this!
THE REAL REASONS WHY IS LW EMPTY!(I mean...cant get more than 50 players)
I tested few servers last night...with more than 150 ppl online!
Some of them are closed! I mean u cant get in if u dont have "NAME_LASTNAME"
Or u have to register on its websites 1st!
And u need to pass some dumb test to be able to register!
So I want to know...with all that complications...those servers still have 225... and more...ppl online! Hows that possible!?
I mean...LW is open for all! And free for all!(I guess)
I know few resons:-Raping Nubz
-Port Change
-Rules Agreedment
-Missing HELPING things 4 new1s from "tutorial" suggestion and "Help Screen"
-And ofcourse ppls who are willing 2 help new players(not just killing them all the time)(and u can explain my reasons ofcourse)
btw.I still dont know how port change affects getting ppl on LW!
So...What I wanna know...Is what U ppl think about empty LW!
And If U have any idea or suggestion(about why is LW empty and how to get more ppl...without making them leave)
pls post it here and/or make new suggestion in "Suggestions Board"
"Do Not Flame Or Disrespect"