Edit(scott): Already suggested.
A summary of the changes that you want
Totaly Revamped Race System. It could be similar to the duel arena script. There could be the menu in the checkpoint, that would allow for you to do all the current races plus teli to places like underwater. I also recomend some new races. Such a script that would allow for multiple checkpoint custom races, and custom drifts would be amazing. I would race a lot more then i have been because currently i think the races have grown boring to me. Like the Duel Arena There could be A Scoreboard on say maybe a random billboard, in which you could go look at to see who won the races. Also You could add Races into another world in which would protect the server from rustlers. But allow fighting and shoting still after the race starts but by ppl not by vehicles such as rustlers.
Also a command such as /watch race would be amazing
The advantages of this change happening
- New race system will attract new players = Full server + More fun
- Keeps Newbies on the server longer
The disadvantages of this change happening
not rlly any exept maybe bugs
Any script snippets which provide the feature that you want