Foot Hop:This item(special sneakers!) could be avaible to buy at the city planning department.
What excact price i don't know yet, maybe $ 3,000,000 but it shoudn't be too expansive but it also shoudn't be like the whole server is hopping.
It would give you the ability to jump twice on foot, so you jump as twice as high!
You also can jump more easilier from one building to another, fall down at great hights and press the jump button so you won't fall to death.(it will hurt you badly tho.)
-Advantage:-It gives players something new to explore.
-it also gives them something extra to spend there money on.
-Disadvantage:Players will get hurt by falling.
This won't be really abusable, as you get hurt when you jump & stand still @ some times(a chance for others to shoot your ass)
jump 0001