Indeed and stopping will neither happen nor help in any way..
Stopping it partially happened, and it already helped. Even if this does not help then version 4 will help. Don't be a negativity spreader!
If you have a useful suggestion to fix this, post it @ Suggestions section. Getting more players is not rocket science. Its about a good script and a good administration, which LW is working on atm.
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As from what i know/heard the administration is top of the line when it comes to SA-MP atleast so ive been told over the last couple years that ive been playing LWs.
Getting players to come to LW is indeed rocket science because if it wasnt rocket science then where the hell are the players on LW ? i aint seen any player count above 50 the last 2 years (with exceptions of maybe once or twice, it needs to be constant to matter)
And i agree with Disco, i doubt the new GM will attract more players LW has been dead for years now for a reason. And im simply out of ideas that might increase LW. I had one but it was impossible and got rejected while a shitload of people voted yes for it and only a few voted no. Those votes shoulda told the dev team of LW something but theres simply nothing being done about it. Comprimising and improvising is what needs to be done when it comes to suggestions that have been voted yes for alot but simply get rejected because dev team doesnt see it fit.