GMT Time:+5:30
Experience:i have a experience of 58 Hrs ++ in this server. I have played about 50 days + in San Andreas. I went to each and every place in the game.I know well about this game.I mostly play 3Hours + a day
Why do you want to be a part of our team?:I want to join because I want to help the Administrative team to kill the cheaters/hackers in the server.Well the team is already very quick and helpful but i want to join them and experience this opportunity. I myself want to be a part of the team and remove the cheaters/hackers who spoil the server and the fun of other players who do not cheat. Well these are the few reasons i want to become a part of this FABulous team. I feel this as my last and golden opportunity.
Extra(If you have anything else to add):..... Nothing ......