Two things, first of all I would like to see at least one Enforcer in the server, but hopefully one for each police station.
A long time ago there was a problem with it generating armour, but that is no longer an issue.
Secondly, Please think about restricting spas12 to an ammunation purchase only, except perhaps for the red docks lady who has spas and not much else.
Here is a suggested list for the reassignment of weapons.
vice cops (yellow) ruger guy- shotgun, m4 guy- stubby
Vercetti crew (blue) Tommy- stubby Flamethrower guy- shotgun
shopping lady (light brown/ tan) stubby
lighthouse (dark pink) male- shotgun
malibu (light pink) relax guy-stubby
army (aquamarine) shotgun
I feel this would make the gameplay more balanced and more interesting.