Hey guys, I just had a loose idea I might ask here. Im on a faculty "Economic Analitycs" which is actually some EU project on University of Economics in Wrocław, Poland. Shortly, we learn how to deal with data, quantitative methods, statistics, econometry and stuff, we have lots of bonuses, scholarships etc. Next semester the best few of us will go for 1 month to some research centers in Europe to do some projects, gain experience.
We are looking for some cool, modern, interesting research objects who would like to participate in a project. If you know any research centers which might be willing to, or even better know some people who have powers to make such decisions, I would be very grateful for any informations, here or PM. If you are interested, just ask me for details via PM.
It's not really well precised what kind of research centers should it be, but not academical ones. As examples they gave us Eurostat, IMAS, some statistical offices etc., but companies are okay too. I doubt I would find something, but I thought I will give it a try