Uhu i don't think 'having some chances' and 'being powerful enough to defeat' is the exact same thing.
Anyways people please be nice to each other. You've made your points clear, and i don't think it's necessary to judge them here in this thread.
Let me encourage you to speak about other features aswell. If you feel the need to go on about c-bug, please do it
here.We've cleared already, that the property system of v3 is awesome, and that paying for spawn weapons on spawn is not cool, especially if you don't even get your full purchased ammount. We also have concluded that money has to be lost again on death.
What about the weapon slot thing? You may have noticed that there are four categories in ammunation now, and that there are weird overwrite messages. It doesn't really work to it's full extend yet, but the plan behind that is that players will have exactly four weapon slots, and can only ever carry four weapons, a melee weapon, a handgun, either any shotgun or smg, and a rifle, be it auto or bolt action.
I personally think this is very interesting, yet it does also have potential to make a lot of regulars angry. What do you guys think?
About the spawn weapons, v3 has already deagle & ak47 btw, and i don't think that is a great difference to only deagle, as ak47 is likely to not hit bloody anything with lagcomp on, so it's practically only deagle already.