Hey gents, The bug in question allows players to purchase weapons outside of Ammunation Store boundaries and enables them to acquire the capability of completely blocking their health (Health Hack). I'll be going into more details in the paragraphs below; I was on the server about 2 days ago, while I was in the Ammunition Store and purchasing weapons ( Respawn Weapons ) I misclicked the left mouse button which brought up the following message : and shortly following the 4 seconds I moved to exit the Store. However, the list of weapons were still showing on my screen, as you can see I am not in the checkpoint anymore: Weird, right? Wait, it doesn't end there. So I walked outside and it was still there : There's still more, when I selected one of the classes it brought up the weapons, as it naturally would; Now comes the bigger risk, when I hit enter to go back to the different weapon classes my player froze and camera repositioned like as if I had entered the checkpoint for the first time. Guess what now? My health was blocked even when bullets were flying through me, as you can see:
That is where the bug ends, it is kind of weird how this was never found/reported even though it seems to be really simple. Some sneaky bastard probably found it and kept it for himself
Blewert and
Shizalk have verified the bug and I'd like to thank them for being helpful.
I hope the wonderful developers of LW could fix this so it wouldn't be exploitable.