In-Game Name: [JOKER]SKY
Invited People: Hopefully we will send an email to everyone on the JOKER forums
Extra notes: Topic was created four days before the event, hopefully people find time to come online
EDIT: Also made a topic on Virus forum, and sent an email to all registered members on JOKER forum
Fantastic Skyz! Also,i've created this topic 6 days* before the event(on Monday to Sunday).Basically whole week so enough players can find out and see what's going on here! Thanks,added!
How the years fly by..
Yeah,if you wanna join us,you're free to do so! Just fill the short format i wrote in the main post!
Who the hell are all these newbies? Is anyone from the 2008-2009 oldschool times still alive and active here? I'm from those times btw, for those who are wondering. Also, I doubt I'll be coming. Haven't opened this forum nor the game for 4 years straight.
Hey,i know you(well,only from forums,but doesn't really matter xD).Nadam se da ces moci da dodjes(pokusaj,ako ne nista onda!).Dobrodosao nazad! Reci mi da li da te dodam,da bih znao otprilike broj playera.