Nick used whilst ingame: PhysicX
Time and Date that you were banned: N/A
Suspected Reason (if any): Ban Evade
IP Address:
Admin that banned you (if known): [VU_R]Riders
Extra notes: Castagna had banned me long for the reason of avoiding death and truth are not evaded me much the game crash all the time is not because but good and when I was finished ban bans [VU_R] Riders and I long to Ban evade and want to play in Littlewhitey's but I really do not evaded death but if that's what pienza Castagna and never mind the ban me for 4 weeks and 2 days longer term and now gives me ban [VU_R] Riders reason to evade the ban and not I want to be ban already out of time I can not go on this!