Wow loads of stuff now:
so -
Sugar - lol @the pic and i posted one but poor quality D:
Juice - No c-bug, Starts at 9:30GMT/UK time
Uberfox - Ya didnt miss the event
Zam - i'll be amazed if this event lasts more than 30mins D: lol
One last thing - atm it looks more realistic to create teams of 4 , and if there aint enough teams/memebrs in the event i may move some around to compensate for this
ummm. . . . . . . . I'll try and decide on the event format once in the server
That is all - Now for a JOKE:
I went to the doctors. He said 'What appears to be the problem?'.
I said 'I keep having the same dream, night after night, beautiful girls rushing towards me and I keep pushing them away'.
He said 'How can I help?'.
I said 'Break my arms!'
btw - wat u think of the jokes???