Results of LW CUP 1st Round
Player 1 Player 2 Results
Usmanulamin [Mks]Straightfire [MKs]Straightfire won as a result of DQ
Usman was not present at the time
Jw [DnA]JellyFish [DnA]Jellyfish Won , 5-3
SS.Ryozuo [VU_T]Angela SS.Ryozuo won , 5-3
Mk.Crackm4 [VU_R]Gohana [VU_R]Gohana won as a Result of DQ ,
MK.CrackM4 wasn't there atm.
Holder [DnA]Bryce [DnA]Bryce Won , 5-1
Deadshot [VU_T]Freak [VU_T]Freak Won , as a result of DQ ,
Because deadshot kept disconnecting.
[TpS]TommyV4 [SS]Ahmexican [SS]Ahmexican won as a result of DQ,
[TpS]TommyV4 was not present atm.
[Mk]Dev. [Mkt]Bhai [Mkt]Bhai won , 5-4.
[VU_T]DronZ Burntillusion [VU_T]Dronz won as a result of DQ ,
Burntillusion kept Disconnecting.
[SS]Nilz TomZ [SS]Nilz won as a result of DQ , TomZ
was not there atm.
[SS]Shemiqq [VU]Axxo [VU]Axxo Won 5-0
[VU]Fercho [UFr]Darkghost [VU]Fercho won as a result of DQ ,
[UFr]Darkghost was not there atm.
MaddyZ Mahrozulamin Mahrozulamin wins as a result of DQ,
maddy was not there atm.
[SS]Danniel =TRC=Morphine [SS]Danniel won , 5-4.
Decent_946 Phenomz Phenomz Won , 5-1.
[UF]Zubi [OSK_A]Smok3 [UF]Zubi won as a result of DQ ,
[Osk_A]Smok3 was not there atm.
SS.Eddy SS.Flamesay SS.Eddy Won as a result of DQ ,
SS.Flamesay was not there atm.
[DZ]Noori [VU_T]Joker [DZ]Noori won , 5-1.
=TLK=SheNN Fbk.Meth =TLK=SheNN Won , 5-3.
SameerM [Ka]H.M.Murdock SameerM Won , 5-2
I have Not Included those , whom i was not confirmed about.
Apologies if i have mistaken some Results
These are not official results