"Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung" or short GrundVZÜV was an actual german law edict regulating how the director of germany's general finance department could endorse tasks towards the federal agency for the management of pending property issues. It was in effect until 29th November 2007.
Words like this can be used to illustrate the linguistic phenomenon called compound substantive, a particularity in the german language. Thus, german substantives can be compounded with their descriptive extensions, such as adjectives or descriptive substantives, into one single word. For example the house of cards would be a Kartenhaus, compound of Karten (cards) and Haus (house), or the rib steak sausage would be Rostbratwurst, as a Wurst (sausage), being gebraten (roasted) on a Rost (grill).