No-one needs it at Summer. You see, lead-aim doesn't attract players. Peaks happened only because of holidays.
I was ingame the day you were raging like hell because you couldn't understand the mechanics of how lead-aim works. I won't discuss your attitude or first impression that day when you got to meet our fellow lead-aim for the first time, but seeing how you immediately started complaining how it's useless to do so because of your personal opinion being negative. I wasn't really online this week, but i definitely can judge from what i saw last week for 4 days which i spent playing samp (on leadaim). Server was constantly crouded by players of all types (noobs, professionals, regulars, staff etc.) and the number barely happened to fall down to 20. I also don't need any statistics to prove this, i was myself experiencing this while some people like you came to forums to tell lies around to people who might have not had the chance to be there. Your judges by only week or so since we moved to lead-aiming are pathetic.
i wasnt around on weekend so maybe you did have 20 players but usually on weekdays it barely reaches 15. i wouldnt call that crowded.
anyway, negative is right, lead-aim doesnt attract ppl imo. so doesnt skinhit. we had more players during holidays and servers usually have more players on weekends aswell.
the playercount dropped already when we had skinhit, didnt change with the 1 week trial lagshot, and hasnt changed with the added trialtime either.
so far i still havent figured out what was the reason to end the 1st week trial period when the reason was "it didnt work out as planned" and then changed back to skinhit and back to lagshoot within few days.