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Crouch-Switch-GlitchingVideo: Crouch-Switching with ShotgunCrouch-Switching with M4What is it?: Crouch Switch Glitching better known in short as "Crouch Glitching" is when a player crouches with any firearm, fires the weapon then switches weapon into a sprinting position. This is a very similiar glitch to to "Switch-Glitching" with the difference being that the player is crouched when doing so. This can also be confused with "Rapid-Firing" which is covered below later on.Why is it a glitch?: When performing the traditional "Switch-Glitch" there is roughly a 0.5-1.0 second delay that the player must wait before being able to move from a stationary position into a sprinting position. With Crouch Glitching however, this does not apply. The player can move instantly after they fire and the no "acceleration" in the movement also applies here aswell. This allows for players to quickly spam lot's of shots quickly creating a mess similiar to "Spraying and Praying".Allowed ingame: No, do not do this.