Nickname: fake dark6 from Netherland.
Time and date (if known): 10PM GMT-5 10/September/2016.
Suspected method of cheat/exploit/rule break used: violation Account.
<&RustySpoon> 04** AzpirineYT drowned.
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Con ese skin
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: ah si _:P
<&RustySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: xD
<&RostySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (Spaz) (Torso)
<&RastySpoon> 04** [Joandry] killed killer988564 (Stubby) (Torso)
<&RostySpoon> 03>> [6] dark6 joined the server.
<&RostySpoon> 03>> dark6 is connecting from Netherlands.
<&RustySpoon> 04** [Joandry] killed cronchytv14 (Colt45) (Left Leg)
<&RastySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: jaja lento
<&RostySpoon> 04** [VAr]Kehl. killed Stupid_ (M4) (Body)
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !eject
<&RastySpoon> 03>> [16] RompeCorazones left the server. (Quit)
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !eject
<&RastySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !eject
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 05Auto-kicked:[ [DH]Amir ] Reason:[ Ping average exceeded 500ms ]
<&RostySpoon> 03>> [12] [DH]Amir left the server. (Kicked)
<&RastySpoon> 04** [OSKr]David. killed [VA]asd123 (M60) (Left Arm)
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSKr]David. killed [VA]Behlul (M60) (Left Arm)
<&RustySpoon> 07[0] 10[VA]asd123: BYEEEE BEHLUL
<&RastySpoon> 07[0] 10[VA]asd123: BYEEEE BEHLUL
<&RostySpoon> 05Auto-muted:[ [VA]asd123 ] Duration:[ 30 seconds ]
<&RustySpoon> 07[0] 10[VA]asd123: BYEEEE BEHLUL
<&RastySpoon> 03>> [VA]asd123 left the server. (Quit)
<&RustySpoon> 07[1] 10[VA]Behlul: bye
<&RastySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[5] 10[RK]Rest: brb
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [5] [RK]Rest left the server. (Quit)
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !sellcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: ;D
<&RustySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: jke
<&RastySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: ?
<&RostySpoon> 04** [VA]Behlul killed [OSKr]David. (M4) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: me pasas el link de pac ppor whats=
<&RastySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: ?
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: vale
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: jeje
<&RastySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: que haces joan
<&RostySpoon> 04** AzpirineYT killed [VA]Behlul (M60) (Left Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: :P
<&RastySpoon> 07[1] 10[VA]Behlul: brb
<&RostySpoon> 03>> [1] [VA]Behlul left the server. (Quit)
<&RastySpoon> 07[19] 10[OSKr]David.: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RustySpoon> 04** [Joandry] killed carminia_12 (Stubby) (Torso)
<&RastySpoon> 07* [Joandry] is on a killing spree of 5! ($500)
<&RostySpoon> 07[18] 10carminia_12: que pro
<&RustySpoon> 04** AzpirineYT killed [Joandry] (Spaz) (Torso)
<&RastySpoon> 07* [Joandry]'s spree was ended by AzpirineYT!
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Lol
<&RustySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !b-
<&RastySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (M60) (Torso)
<&RostySpoon> 04** AzpirineYT died.
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: No lo vi ;v
<&RastySpoon> 04** carminia_12 killed [OSK_A]Adrenaline (Spaz) (Left Arm)
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: jke
<&RustySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed carminia_12 (M60) (Torso)
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: ...
<&RostySpoon> 03>> glp joined the server.
<&RastySpoon> 03>> glp is connecting from Pakistan.
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100001
<&RustySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: sorry
<&RustySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: jke
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: ..
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 04** [OSKr]David. killed carminia_12 (M4) (Head)
<&RastySpoon> 04** [OSKr]David. killed glp (Spaz) (Torso)
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: no sabia blodys
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: ok
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RustySpoon> 04** carminia_12 killed [OSKr]David. (Spaz) (Right Leg)
<&RastySpoon> 07[18] 10carminia_12: jaja
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: again,jke
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: ok
<&RastySpoon> 07[19] 10[OSKr]David.: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: :(
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: stop
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: pls
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: tudo ben
<&RastySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: bein
<&RostySpoon> 04** Blodys killed [VAr]Kehl. (M60) (Right Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !b+
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: xD
<&RostySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed [Joandry] (Spaz) (Left Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (Spaz) (Right Leg)
<&RastySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !b+
<&RostySpoon> 04** carminia_12 killed AzpirineYT (Spaz) (Body)
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (M60) (Torso)
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 04** Blodys killed carminia_12 (M60) (Body)
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Kehl
<&RustySpoon> 04** [VAr]Kehl. killed [OSK_A]Adrenaline (Spaz) (Body)
<&RastySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: Que
<&RostySpoon> 04** glp killed [OSKr]David. (M4) (Left Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Alli esta el link del PAC
<&RastySpoon> 04** glp killed VodKa. (Spaz) (Right Leg)
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RastySpoon> 07[19] 10[OSKr]David.: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: Yo digo pa hacerlo por celu
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Ah ok :v
<&RastySpoon> 04** glp killed [OSKr]David. (M4) (Head)
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !stats
<&RastySpoon> 05Stats: VodKa. - Kills: 13527 :: Deaths: 6611 :: K/D Ratio: 2.05
<&RostySpoon> 04** [Joandry] killed glp (Stubby) (Left Arm)
<&RustySpoon> 04** Blodys killed [VAr]Kehl. (M60) (Left Leg)
<&RastySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: glp es aimbot :v
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Si ;v
<&RostySpoon> 04** Blodys killed carminia_12 (M60) (Body)
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: jajaja vodka
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !b+
<&RostySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: q te paso
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: Uh?
<&RastySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (M60) (Torso)
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: dark
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Dame plata :v
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed carminia_12 (Spaz) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: alv sry david
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (Spaz) (Right Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: Creo que esta loco, nunca habla
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Si :v
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSKr]David. killed glp (Spaz) (Body)
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: Ahora me esta dando todo su dinero ._.
<&RastySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (Spaz) (Left Leg)
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: !stats kehl
<&RostySpoon> 05Stats: [VAr]Kehl. - Kills: 19 :: Deaths: 40 :: K/D Ratio: 0.47
<&RustySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: kehl,acc-new?
<&RostySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Vodka
<&RastySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: Dejarlo...
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (Spaz) (Left Arm)
<&RustySpoon> 07* [OSK_A]Adrenaline is on a killing spree of 5! ($500)
<&RastySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: Yea
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: why
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Vodka
<&RostySpoon> 04** [OSKr]David. killed carminia_12 (Spaz) (Right Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed [VAr]Kehl. (MP5) (Left Leg)
<&RastySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed glp (Ruger) (Head)
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Me das dinero? ._.
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: Si?
<&RastySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: vodkinhi pasate pastita
<&RostySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: No.
<&RustySpoon> 07[4] 10[CF]JKE: :(
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: :(
<&RostySpoon> 04** [VAr]Kehl. killed [OSK_A]Adrenaline (M4) (Torso)
<&RustySpoon> 07* [OSK_A]Adrenaline's spree was ended by [VAr]Kehl.!
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !stat
<&RastySpoon> 05Stats: [Joandry] - Kills: 9036 :: Deaths: 7290 :: K/D Ratio: 1.24
<&RostySpoon> 04** glp killed AzpirineYT (Spaz) (Left Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed [OSKr]David. (Spaz) (Body)
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: joandry
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: +1000kills 10000kills
<&RastySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed [VAr]Kehl. (Ruger) (Head)
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: :D
<&RustySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: joandry
<&RastySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed [Joandry] (Spaz) (Torso)
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: ;D
<&RustySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: 1000 kills campeando siempre
<&RastySpoon> 04** [VAr]Kehl. killed VodKa. (Spaz) (Body)
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RustySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: ;v
<&RastySpoon> 04** VodKa. died.
<&RostySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: Se enamoro de el
<&RastySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: Lo conozco
<&RostySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 04** glp killed [OSKr]David. (M4) (Head)
<&RastySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RostySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: Nah,
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [1] =TRC=Maddy joined the server.
<&RostySpoon> 03>> =TRC=Maddy is connecting from India.
<&RustySpoon> 04** [VAr]Kehl. killed [OSK_A]Adrenaline (Spaz) (Left Leg)
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: 1000 kills campeando siempre
<&RustySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Claro que no ;v
<&RustySpoon> 04** Blodys killed [VAr]Kehl. (M60) (Head)
<&RastySpoon> 07* Blodys is on a killing spree of 5! ($500)
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Ya callate
<&RustySpoon> 07[9] 10[VAr]Kehl.: A
<&RastySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed glp (Vehicle) (Body)
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RustySpoon> 07[0] 10glp: :D
<&RastySpoon> 04** carminia_12 killed AzpirineYT (Spaz) (Right Arm)
<&RostySpoon> 03>> [5] Mr joined the server.
<&RastySpoon> 03>> Mr is connecting from China.
<&RostySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: con quien fue eso?
<&RustySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed [OSKr]David. (Stubby) (Head)
<&RastySpoon> 07[1] 10=TRC=Maddy: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 04** [Joandry] killed VodKa. (Ruger) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RastySpoon> 07[10] 10[OSK_A]Adrenaline: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[19] 10[OSKr]David.: bbl
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [19] [OSKr]David. left the server. (Quit)
<&RostySpoon> 07[13] 10VodKa.: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 04** Blodys killed =TRC=Maddy (M60) (Right Leg)
<&RostySpoon> 07[1] 10=TRC=Maddy: lol
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [9] [VAr]Kehl. left the server. (Timeout)
<&RostySpoon> 04** glp killed [Joandry] (M4) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> 07[1] 10=TRC=Maddy: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: jke?
<&RostySpoon> 07[1] 10=TRC=Maddy: yes
<&RustySpoon> 07[5] 10Mr: e
<&RastySpoon> 04** Blodys killed =TRC=Maddy (M60) (Left Arm)
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [1] =TRC=Maddy left the server. (Quit)
<&RostySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed killer988564 (Stubby) (Left Leg)
<&RustySpoon> 04** VodKa. killed cronchytv14 (Stubby) (Right Leg)
<&RastySpoon> 04** glp killed [Joandry] (Spaz) (Left Leg)
<&RostySpoon> 07[6] 10dark6: !give 13 100000
<&RastySpoon> 04** glp killed [Joandry] (M4) (Head)
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: !stat
<&RostySpoon> 05Stats: [Joandry] - Kills: 9037 :: Deaths: 7294 :: K/D Ratio: 1.24
<&RustySpoon> 04** [OSK_A]Adrenaline killed carminia_12 (Spaz) (Body)
<&RastySpoon> 07[2] 10Blodys: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Este lagger
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [1] Mehar joined the server.
<&RostySpoon> 03>> Mehar is connecting from Pakistan.
<&RostySpoon> 04** AzpirineYT drowned.
<&RustySpoon> 04** [Joandry] killed Stupid_ (M4) (Head)
<&RastySpoon> 04** glp killed [Joandry] (M4) (Head)
<&RostySpoon> 07[8] 10[Joandry]: Este aimbot
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [13] VodKa. left the server. (Timeout)
Additional information: As you know dark6 is from El Salvador, in this text you can see his connection from Netherlands. After login, fake dark6 did this:
1.- Sell his car.
2.- gave that money to everyone.
3.- He went to the bank and withdrawed all his money.
4.- He began to give all his money to everyone well not everyone because he gave all his money to a specific person (vodka). I don't have concrete evidence to blame this guy but he could be a suspect.
5.- Finally he removes stats in account.
Misters. I know that you can check the past nicks about an specific IP direction and I need your help in this case well as you know the real dark6 never has written in game and I appreciate him and while I was spying I could see this suspicious behavior on IRC so I think that who violated the dark6 account is a bad person who could do the same with other accounts therefore that is worrying. This is the 2nd time when this guy does the same, first time were few months ago because I checked that his money had disappeared and his car was sold.
I said in game the steps to change his password in PAC forum so I think he did it and he is already protected. Admins please find the responsible person about this violation account.
Nicky y AEO les pido de favor que revisen esto, especialmente el texto de IRC y vean si existe alguna solución o posible ban a este sujeto.